metanymous в Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
Универсальная грамматика жестов (= бессознательного) | |||||
2.1. Обратная польская нотация | metanymous | ||||
Формалист) (какой (ещё)) (есть) ) | eugzol | ||||
Магия появления моделиста | |||||
19. Квантователи | metanymous | ||||
17. Метамоделирование по-Бандлеру (2) | metanymous | ||||
НЕТ НИКАКОГО "ОТКУДА"! | eugzol | ||||
16. Метамоделирование по-Бандлеру | metanymous | ||||
Мета терапия | metanymous | ||||
Richard Bandler's guide to Trance-formation | metatheo | ||||
Иное моделирование | |||||
21. Ставим на правильное место мета модель первого кода | metanymous | ||||
Порхающее внимание | |||||
3. Утрата "фокуса" | metanymous | ||||
Цитаты Бандлера | |||||
4. В очередной раз разбираемся с ДХЕ | metanymous | ||||
Даже рулетка есть ДХЕ ИНТЕРФЕЙС! | metanymous | ||||
Рефрейминг | |||||
20. Рефрейминг | metanymous | ||||
Метаформа -> (рефрейминг || метамодель) | eugzol | ||||
Читаем-анализируем: "The Sins* of the Fathers" | |||||
Читаем-анализируем: "The Sins* of the Fathers" | wake_ | ||||
Невербальные сигналы метамоделирования | metanymous |
99 комментариев
сначала старые сначала новые
1) Present your complaint as a complex equivalence that links a
response to a class of events: "I feel X when Y happens" or,
2) Present the complaint as a comparative generalization about
yourself or someone else, with the context deleted: "I'm too Z" or "He's
too Q."
А ведь, пожалуй, на любую метаформу можно придумать рефрейминг, который поставит под сомнение обобщение, заставит восстановить удаление или исправить искажение.
Simple Deletion. Information is left out of the statement.
Example: ''I'm anxious."
Question(s}: "How do you know you're anxious?" "How do you
know you're not really excited?" "What actually happens that lets
you know you're depressed?"
Unspecified Referential Index. The subject of the statement is
Example: "They just don't like me."
Question(s}: "Who specifically doesn't like you?" "How do you
know they don't like you?"
Невербальные сигналы метамоделирования
2.4. The use of TR for clarifying confusing situations
We also use the procedure of building the association between therapist's signal and patient's TR when the patient has not only a severe problem but also a lot of confusing information collected around the problem. That information needs to be analyzed.
In such cases we conduct initial interview, ask the patient rather direct questions about the problem and we associate all the patient’s TR with some barely noticeable nonverbal signal. When this association is built we ask some new questions about deeper roots of a problem and after each question we give a signal for TR. This goes on and on and on. This way the patient begins to answer with appropriate associations and the confusing complex of negative feelings, physiology, past events and present interpretations appears in a line, become well structured and clear. It is much easier to get patient’s insights with this technique. This was the main approach to a very confusing case of the patient I.
Tongue Researching and Self-Rewarding Reaction, and its Use in Psychotherapy. Cases Report.