

eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Магия появления моделиста
  17. Метамоделирование по-Бандлеру (2) metanymous
    Re: "ОТКУДА"-МОДЕЛЬ eugzol
Везде в оригиналах Бандлера стоит «How do you know». "Откуда" — это артефакты перевода!
Simple Deletion. Information is left out of the statement.
Example: ''I'm anxious."
Question(s}: "How do you know you're anxious?" "How do you
know you're not really excited?" "What actually happens that lets
you know you're depressed?"
Unspecified Referential Index. The subject of the statement is
Example: "They just don't like me."
Question(s}: "Who specifically doesn't like you?" "How do you
know they don't like you?"

Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation
(и т.д., все фрагменты не цитирую для экономии места)

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