Leslie did with this woman is this: she said “I want you to close your eves and see your carpet, and see that there is not a single footprint on it anywhere, It’s clean and fluffy - not a mark anywhere.”This woman closed her eyes and she was in seventh heaven, just smiling away. Then Leslie said “And realize fully that that means you are totally alone, and that the people you care and love are nowhere around.”The woman's expression shifted radically, and she felt terrible! Then Leslie said “Now, put a few footprints there and look at those footprints and know that the people you care most about in the world are nearby." And then, of course, she felt good again.
Эта "двусмысленность" возникает только при прочтении,Метафора преподнесена нам в качестве учебной и именно в книге. Она призвана обратить внимание на определенный паттерн, который если вы сейчас и понимаТЕ ПЛОхо, то в последствии поймеТЕ Лучше :) Это может произойти вполне и само по себе.а если произносить вслух, то остается только "ноувеа".Now here - по звучанию отличается. Следовательно, при устной подаче метафоры можно произнести в нужном месте "на грани". Так что образуется противоположный смысл. Классический Эриксонианский паттерн.Или я чего-то не понимаю?Интерпретация метафоры-рефрейминга еще не закончена :). Но я указал механизм(1). Уже им одним можно обеспечить процентов 70 общего результата. Правда, для этого надо великолепно владеть неконвенциальной дикцией.
He said that that 'that' that that man used was wrong.
If you understand this sentence, you probably don't need to read on. If you don't, you could be one of the many who are a bit hazy on how and when to use the word 'that'. It's a versatile little beast, with many uses. The one that people most often get wrong is the use of 'that' as opposed to 'which'.Here at Right Words, we engage in 'which' hunts, because what usually happens is that people use 'which' when they should use 'that'.The difference is this. 'Which' introduces relative clauses - ones that give additional information about something in the sentence, and that can be added or removed without affecting the statement made in the main clause.
The exhibition, which was held in the market reserve, contained some interesting examples of contemporary sculpture.
In this example, the writer assumes that the reader knows which exhibition is being talked about, and the statement of the venue is just an aside.'That', on the other hand, introduces clauses that identify the thing they're attached to.
The exhibition that was held in the market reserve contained some interesting examples of contemporary sculpture.
Here, there is no assumption that the reader knows which exhibition is being talked about. The writer is telling the reader which one it is: the one in the market reserve (and not the one in the Botanic Gardens or the one in the Town Hall).Because 'that' clauses have this identifying function, they can't be taken away without affecting the statement made in the main clause. They form a sense unit with the word they're attached to, and that's why they aren't preceded by a comma.So, for our opening sentence, a lot of people would say: He said that that 'that' which that man used was wrong ... but they'd be wrong - and the man was probably right!
What Leslie did with this woman is this: she said “I want you to close your eves and see your carpet, and see that there is not a single footprint on it anywhere, It’s clean and fluffy - not a mark anywhere.”This woman closed her eyes and she was in seventh heaven, just smiling away. Then Leslie said “And realize fully that that means you are totally alone, and that the people you care and love are nowhere around.”The woman's expression shifted radically, and she felt terrible! Then Leslie said “Now, put a few footprints there and look at those footprints and know that the people you care most about in the world are nearby." And then, of course, she felt good again.
Leslie said “And realize fully that that means you are totally alone, and that the people you care and love are nowhere around.”that that = предвудомлению, что последует нечто "двойное", какой-то двойной смысл. Но единственный источник двусмысленности есть слово nowhere around.” nowhere around” = now here.
т.е. за счет двойного отрицания она изменила отношение женщины в этом классическом случае (только сейчас вижу его в оригинальном изложении на языке оригинала)
из контекста женщина недолюбливала тех кто около ковра или как-то связан с ковром, пятно и прочее. Здесь же фраза построена так, что если он будет чистым то они будут где-то здесь. Если учитывать, что разговор происходил с наведением транса и выделением и акцентированием некоторых нужных слов, хотя прямой смысл уже не раз переводился)