Показаны записи 171 - 180 из 2061

Нейрология кортико-висцеральных связей/ рефлексов

Рефрейминг, выпуск 53
Traumatic Brain Injury Causes Intestinal Damage

Summary: Researchers have identified a link between traumatic brain injury and intestinal changes. A new study reports the intestinal changes may contribute to increased risk of developing infections and could worsen brain damage in TBI patients.

Source: University of Maryland School of Medicine.

University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) researchers have found a two-way link between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and intestinal changes. These interactions may contribute to increased infections in these patients, and may also worsen chronic brain damage.


Дискриминация операнта/дискриминативный стимул vs ЦИ

Скиннеровское моделирование, выпуск 25
Скиннер вводит понятие дискриминация операнта/дискриминативный стимул, т.е некие условия, при которых будет подкрепление. Эти условия, по-сути, являются триггерами для запуска поведения.
Это похоже на постановку под стимульный контроль (по К. Прайор). Пара: реагирование vs не реагирование и пара подкрепление vs не подкрепление. Т.е подкрепляются реакции с "условиями" и игнорируются(не подкрепляются) реакции без "условий". Тем самым "условия" становятся триггером этих реакций (Скиннер говорит, что происходит поиск/ожидание этих условий, чтобы реагировать).
Если смотреть подобие дальше, то такое парное подкрепление/не подкрепление в поведенческой паре - реагирую vs не реагируют, уже близко к формированию эээ двух уровней ЦИ


Тигр Тигр . горящий ярко ,

Языкоиды, выпуск 37
Лево -правая экспрессия (31) Природа лево –правой ментальной асимметрии


Онтология МИ

Ментальные инструменты, выпуск 1
инструменты моделирования

Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (113 Models Explained)
How do you think the most rational people in the world operate their minds? How do they make better decisions?
They do it by mentally filing away a massive, but finite amount of fundamental, unchanging knowledge that can be used in evaluating the infinite number of unique scenarios which show up in the real world.
That is how consistently rational and effective thinking is done, and if we want to learn how to think properly ourselves, we need to figure out how it's done. Fortunately, there is a way, and it works.
Before we dig deeper, let's start by watching this short video on a concept called mental models. Then continue on below.
https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/mental-models/ ...


Онтология мышления

Моделируем мышление, выпуск 10

Thought, covert symbolic responses to stimuli that are either intrinsic (arising from within) or extrinsic (arising from the environment). Thought, or thinking, is considered to mediate between inner activity and external stimuli.

In everyday language, the word thinking covers several distinct psychological activities. It is sometimes a synonym for “tending to believe,” especially with less than full confidence (“I think that it will rain, but I am not sure”). At other times it denotes the degree of attentiveness (“I did it without thinking”) or whatever is in consciousness, especially if it refers to something outside the immediate environment (“It made me think of my grandmother”). Psychologists have concentrated on thinking as an intellectual exertion aimed at finding an answer to a question or the solution of a practical problem.

The psychology of thought processes concerns itself with activities similar to those usually attributed to the inventor, the mathematician, or the chess player, but psychologists have not settled on any single definition or characterization of thinking. For some it is a matter of modifying “cognitive structures” (i.e., perceptual representations of the world or parts of the world), while others regard it as internal problem-solving behaviour.
Yet another provisional conception of thinking applies the term to any sequence of covert symbolic responses (i.e., occurrences within the human organism that can serve to represent absent events). If such a sequence is aimed at the solution of a specific problem and fulfills the criteria for reasoning, it is called directed thinking. Reasoning is a process of piecing together the results of two or more distinct previous learning experiences to produce a new pattern of behaviour. Directed thinking contrasts with other symbolic sequences that have different functions, such as the simple recall (mnemonic thinking) of a chain of past events.
Historically, thinking was associated with conscious experiences, but, as the scientific study of behaviour (e.g., behaviourism) developed within psychology, the limitations of introspection as a source of data became apparent; thought processes have since been treated as intervening variables or constructs with properties that must be inferred from relations between two sets of observable events. These events are inputs (stimuli, present and past) and outputs (responses, including bodily movements and speech). For many psychologists such intervening variables serve as aids in making sense of the immensely complicated network of associations between stimulus conditions and responses, the analysis of which otherwise would be prohibitively cumbersome. Others are concerned, rather, with identifying cognitive (or mental) structures that consciously or unconsciously guide a human being’s observable behaviour. ...


Self-acceptance and Self-rejection

Моделируем личность, выпуск 2
Self-acceptance and Self-rejection

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PST

I want to begin with a quotation from my old teacher Fritz Perls, who developed Gestalt Therapy:

It is obvious that an eagle’s potential will be actualized in roaming the sky, diving down on smaller animals for food, and in building nests. It is obvious that the elephant’s potential will be actualized in size, power and clumsiness.

No eagle will want to be an elephant, no elephant to be an eagle. They “accept” themselves; they accept them-“selves.” No, they don’t even accept themselves, for this would mean possible rejection.

They take themselves for granted. No, they don’t even take themselves for granted; that would imply the possibility of otherness. They are what they are what they are.

How absurd it would be if they, like humans, had fantasies, dissatisfactions and self-deceptions! How absurd it would be if the elephant, tired of walking the earth, wanted to fly, eat rabbits and lay eggs. And the eagle wanted to have the strength and thick skin of the beast.

Leave this to the human—to try to be something he is not—to have ideals that cannot be reached, to be cursed with perfectionism so as to be safe from criticism, and to open the road to unending mental torture.

—from Fritz Perls’ autobiography, In and Out the Garbage Pail.


Post-Ericksonian World vs Ericksonian World existing for ever

We will metapractice you!, выпуск 19
For many years, I tried to be more like Milton Erickson. This chapter is about the more difficult challenge of trying to be more like Gilligan. It is based on 22 years of teaching, practicing, and writing about hypnotic psychotherapy. It indicates how my path has diverged from Ericksonian thinking. I hope it encourages others on their own paths.
What was really astonishing about Erickson was his willingness to be himself, to accept his "deviancies" from the norm. This courage translated directly, I believe, into compassion for and acceptance of others. To follow a similar path is remarkably challenging. But this is what we stand for as therapists.
In describing where this post-Ericksonian path has led me, I'll start by honoring a few core ideas from Erickson's legacy that still light my way. I'll then raise questions about how these ideas are put into practice. The main intent is to stimulate thinking, rather than to argue about truth. ...


Структура подвига

Ресурсы страха, выпуск 2
Сознание стремится вытолкнуть некоторые содержания. Они называются неприятными. (https://metapractice.livejournal.com/517000.html)
Целенаправленно допустить эти содержания в сознание - есть подвиг.

Рефрейминг на пачке сигарет

Рефрейминг, выпуск 52
15 ноября в России вступает в силу регламент Таможенного союза на табачную продукцию, который подразумевает выпуск пачек сигарет только с устрашающими изображениями.
Теперь изображения на пачках сигарет будут нанесены на обеих сторонах упаковки, а не только на одной, как сейчас. На упаковках будут изображаться органы человека, пораженные различными недугами, которые вызывает курение. Размер картинок будет составлять не менее 50% от площади пачки.

Дочитали до конца.