У нас неталантливы только лентяи!»
Революционер и писатель Николай Островский
Если термин «талантливость» - это приписывание неких свойств творцу-человеку, то эпитет «талантливый» относят и к результатам его труда, например: «талантливая режиссура» или к самому человеку: «талантливый режиссёр».
При не использовании любимых народом эмоциональных и/или непроверяемых оценок, обычно подразумевается, что «талантливый» - это лучший в организации, городе, стране, но не на континенте или в мире – это удел гениев – см.: Мировой уровень достижений...
08 Aug
Posted by: Steve Andreas in: Articles
The Structural Patterns of Change:
(A reorganization of reframing patterns)
Steve Andreas
Revised 5/28/18
Note: I have revised this presentation repeatedly since I first offered it several years ago, trying to make it clearer and more “user-friendly.” It is an attempt to summarize what I presented in my two-volume book, Six Blind Elephants (578 pp.) but which I failed to provide in those books. So it inevitably leaves out a lot of detail—and almost all of the examples. Please consider this a “work in progress” to be further refined in the future.
You can download this article as a PDF here:
Reframing is usually thought of as a relatively small part of NLP, originally divided into content reframing and context reframing, and later further divided into the 14 “sleight of mouth” patterns. However, I think that all change can be usefully described using one or more patterns of reframing, and all of these different patterns derive from only three variables. Every change of experience changes one or more of the following:
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