:P aaaa today aaaa I want to do something a little bit different aaaa :P in neuro-linguistic programming the foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion :P long time ago aaaa :P i when i was doing hypnosis, I, suddenly dorned on me :P that, if you could hypnotise people and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally :P what what was going on :P and and I started thinking about it in a much broder sense because there were many people who very talented at certain things :P and, NLP gives you the ability to ask very precise questions about consciousness :P and, it started out with spelling there were kids that that could spell and kids that couldn't spell I happen to be one of the once that had no idea how to -spell most words :P because they told me that you should spell them (up) phonetically :P and you can't even spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics :P and this morning on television there was one of the politicians here locally announcing how they had to go back to using phonetics as foundation of learning to read :P and unfortunatelly in english most words aren't really that phonetic words like caught :P are realy cu-nd-ght :P that we have silent letters and long vowels and all kinds of strange things that sound more like a hypnotic induction :P than anything else :P now it went further than that I think alot of my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists :P that they did things to me for example :P when I was I was in a fourth grade :P they came and they handed me a little plastic flute about this big .... and a piece of shit music and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy :P not one of my favourites :P and they said this is a this is every good boy does fine and the spaces were face and and I didn't even know what they were talking about :P and they said learn to play this song :P: and I went home and I blew in a thing and it sounded horrible so I didn't do it :P then the day before we were supposed to be tested on it I I tryded I tried to remember the song I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры) :P and I took it and I went into the class and all this kids went (звуки игры) and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music :P now since then I've written an equivavelnt of over thirty-five symphonies :P and the musics on the you know the personal enhancement series and all of hose hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things :P I've written a music for television commercial when I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra :P so they weren't exactly right :P but then [...] stubborn :P they also did something else to me they, they took me in a art class :P I got in trouble in one class so they pulled me out of class and they said the only thing I can do was art :P so they stuck me in a art class because I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy :P and the art teacher stuck a fruit ball on a table :P and she said to she said she said everyone is going to draw a fruit ball :P and they handed us these... :P I don't know they were they were colored cranes or something :P and and I drew something that looked like somebody sneezed color onto the paper :P the guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph :P and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything :P and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic :P and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой] :P when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york :P I was staying at the barbason plasa and my wife and I were walking down the street and we walked in front of an art store and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint :P and I looked at her and went I am not artistic
1. :P aaaa today aaaa I want to do something a little bit different aaaa2. :P in neuro-linguistic programming the foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion3. :P long time ago aaaa4. :P i when i was doing hypnosis, I, suddenly dorned on me5. :P that, if you could hypnotise people and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally6. :P what what was going on7. :P and and I started thinking about it in a much broder sense because there were many people who very talented at certain things8. :P and, NLP gives you the ability to ask very precise questions about consciousness9. :P and, it started out with spelling there were kids that that could spell and kids that couldn't spell I happen to be one of the once that had no idea how to -spell most words10. :P because they told me that you should spell them (up) phonetically11. :P and you can't even spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics12. :P and this morning on television there was one of the politicians here locally announcing how they had to go back to using phonetics as foundation of learning to read13. :P and unfortunatelly in english most words aren't really that phonetic words like caught14. :P are realy cu-nd-ght15. :P that we have silent letters and long vowels and all kinds of strange things that sound more like a hypnotic induction16. :P than anything else17. :P now it went further than that I think alot of my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists18. :P that they did things to me for example19. :P when I was I was in a fourth grade20. :P they came and they handed me a little plastic flute about this big .... and a piece of shit music and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy21. :P not one of my favourites22. :P and they said this is a this is every good boy does fine and the spaces were face and and I didn't even know what they were talking about23. :P and they said learn to play this song24. :P: and I went home and I blew in a thing and it sounded horrible so I didn't do it25. :P then the day before we were supposed to be tested on it I I tryded I tried to remember the song I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры)26. :P and I took it and I went into the class and all this kids went (звуки игры) and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music27. :P now since then I've written an equivavelnt of over thirty-five symphonies28. :P and the musics on the you know the personal enhancement series and all of hose hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things29. :P I've written a music for television commercial when I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra30. :P so they weren't exactly right31. :P but then [...] stubborn32. :P they also did something else to me they, they took me in a art class33. :P I got in trouble in one class so they pulled me out of class and they said the only thing I can do was art34. :P so they stuck me in a art class because I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy35. :P and the art teacher stuck a fruit ball on a table36. :P and she said to she said she said everyone is going to draw a fruit ball37. :P and they handed us these...38. :P I don't know they were they were colored cranes or something39. :P and and I drew something that looked like somebody sneezed color onto the paper40. :P the guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph41. :P and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything42. :P and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic43. :P and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]44. :P when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york
45. :P I was staying at the barbason plasa and my wife and I were walking down the street and we walked in front of an art store and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint46. :P and I looked at her and went I am not artistic
Каким html-средством/разметкой делается смещение текста К ПРАВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ ОКОШКА БРАУЗЕРА?В приведенный отрывках я не вижу (или показалось?) многократных :P. Куда они у нас делись? Или не делись?
Каким html-средством/разметкой делается смещение текста К ПРАВОЙ ПОЛОВИНЕ ОКОШКА БРАУЗЕРА?Ну, ЖЖ принудительно удаляет такую разметку. Так что если сильно требуется, то можно, например, таким хаком, вставкой пустой картинки нужной ширины: ...текстВот как выглядит: ...текст
Ха, я проверял в основном теле поста, там можно сделать, а в комментах не стал проверять, а он как ты и говоришь принудительно удаляет все под чистую. Можно такую разметку делать отдельным постом и все
У меня вроде использовать атрибут style и в посте не получалось, хотя уже не помню точных деталей. Слушай, скинь мне плиз ещё раз ссылку на тот гугл док, в котором окончательно решили исходник держать?
Отмеченную многократность ЯЗ надо ещё разметить набело, поскольку вариант есть только черновой. Плюс камера не всегда держит в фокусе лицо Б., поэтому неизбежны не точности такой разметки.
Нет, не надо делать уже никаких набело разметок в этом проходе. Анализируем то что есть. А в том что есть есть многократные ЯЗ*. Значит их надо поставить по оригиналу метатео в текст.А новые разметки набело дадут уже совсем другой результат. Это будет уже другой анализ, с другой идеологией и прочее.Другое дело, что неплохо бы привести ХОТЯ БЫ ОДИН ПРИМЕР ХОТЯ БЫ ДВУКРАТНОГО ЯЗ. Ежели хотя бы один такой пример есть, значит:--есть и другие--есть и трехкратные...вот как-то так.
Метатео только обрезал строки разметки, оставив только их начала, что наглядно показало что в этих началах есть повторы. Многократные или нет ЯЗ там по нашему с bavi оригиналу.
Первый разметчик это я, второй выполнивший не меньшую часть работы bavi. Так вот, я помню что многократные повторы :P означали в разное время и у разных участников то интенсивность/заметность сигнала, а то его повторы, и в итоге всё перемешалось. Поэтому, использовать следует в настоящий момент только ту версию транскрипта, в которой нет многократных повторов. Там всё чётко :)
Понятно, вот поэтому надо делать все из одних рук. Один разметчик и он же анализатор.В данном/нашем случае пусть хоть разметка будет в основном из одних рук.
Ну, в нашем случае, если бы разметка была в основном из одних рук, то её бы было примерно в два раза меньше. Если опен-сорс сообщества могут координировать десятки делающих активный вклад участников, то и мы можем :)
1. :P aaaa today aaaa I want to do something a little bit different aaaa
2. :P in neuro-linguistic programming the foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion3. :P long time ago aaaa4. :P i when i was doing hypnosis, I, suddenly dorned on me5. :P that, if you could hypnotise people and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally6. :P what what was going on7. :P and and I started thinking about it in a much broder sense because there were many people who very talented at certain things8. :P and, NLP gives you the ability to ask very precise questions about consciousness9. :P and, it started out with spelling there were kids that that could spell and kids that couldn't spell I happen to be one of the once that had no idea how to -spell most words10. :P because they told me that you should spell them (up) phonetically11. :P and you can't even spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics12. :P and this morning on television there was one of the politicians here locally announcing how they had to go back to using phonetics as foundation of learning to read13. :P and unfortunatelly in english most words aren't really that phonetic words like caught14. :P are realy cu-nd-ght15. :P that we have silent letters and long vowels and all kinds of strange things that sound more like a hypnotic induction16. :P than anything else17. :P now it went further than that I think alot of my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists18. :P that they did things to me for example19. :P when I was I was in a fourth grade20. :P they came and they handed me a little plastic flute about this big .... and a piece of shit music and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy21. :P not one of my favourites22. :P and they said this is a this is every good boy does fine and the spaces were face and and I didn't even know what they were talking about23. :P and they said learn to play this song24. :P: and I went home and I blew in a thing and it sounded horrible so I didn't do it25. :P then the day before we were supposed to be tested on it I I tryded I tried to remember the song I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры)26. :P and I took it and I went into the class and all this kids went (звуки игры) and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music27. :P now since then I've written an equivavelnt of over thirty-five symphonies28. :P and the musics on the you know the personal enhancement series and all of hose hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things29. :P I've written a music for television commercial when I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra30. :P so they weren't exactly right31. :P but then [...] stubborn32. :P they also did something else to me they, they took me in a art class33. :P I got in trouble in one class so they pulled me out of class and they said the only thing I can do was art34. :P so they stuck me in a art class because I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy35. :P and the art teacher stuck a fruit ball on a table36. :P and she said to she said she said everyone is going to draw a fruit ball37. :P and they handed us these...38. :P I don't know they were they were colored cranes or something39. :P and and I drew something that looked like somebody sneezed color onto the paper40. :P the guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph41. :P and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything42. :P and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic43. :P and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]44. :P when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york
1. aaaa today aaaa I want to do something a little bit different aaaa2. in neuro-linguistic programming the foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion3. long time ago aaaa4. i when i was doing hypnosis, I, suddenly dorned on me5. that, if you could hypnotise people and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally6. what what was going on7. and and I started thinking about it in a much broder sense because there were many people who very talented at certain things8. and, NLP gives you the ability to ask very precise questions about consciousness9. and, it started out with spelling there were kids that that could spell and kids that couldn't spell I happen to be one of the once that had no idea how to -spell most words10. because they told me that you should spell them (up) phonetically11. and you can't even spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics12. and this morning on television there was one of the politicians here locally announcing how they had to go back to using phonetics as foundation of learning to read13. and unfortunatelly in english most words aren't really that phonetic words like caught14. are realy cu-nd-ght15. that we have silent letters and long vowels and all kinds of strange things that sound more like a hypnotic induction16. than anything else17. now it went further than that I think alot of my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists18. that they did things to me for example19. when I was I was in a fourth grade20. they came and they handed me a little plastic flute about this big .... and a piece of shit music and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy21. not one of my favourites22. and they said this is a this is every good boy does fine and the spaces were face and and I didn't even know what they were talking about23. and they said learn to play this song24. and I went home and I blew in a thing and it sounded horrible so I didn't do it25. then the day before we were supposed to be tested on it I I tryded I tried to remember the song I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры)26. and I took it and I went into the class and all this kids went (звуки игры) and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music27. now since then I've written an equivavelnt of over thirty-five symphonies28. and the musics on the you know the personal enhancement series and all of hose hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things29. I've written a music for television commercial when I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra30. so they weren't exactly right31. but then [...] stubborn32. they also did something else to me they, they took me in a art class33. I got in trouble in one class so they pulled me out of class and they said the only thing I can do was art34. so they stuck me in a art class because I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy35. and the art teacher stuck a fruit ball on a table36. and she said to she said she said everyone is going to draw a fruit ball37. and they handed us these...38. I don't know they were they were colored cranes or something39. and and I drew something that looked like somebody sneezed color onto the paper40. the guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph
41. and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything42. and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic43. and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]44. when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york45. I was staying at the barbason plasa and my wife and I were walking down the street and we walked in front of an art store and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint46. and I looked at her and went I am not artistic
1. :P aaaa today aaaa I want to do something a little bit different aaaa
2. :P in neuro-linguistic programming the foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion3. :P long time ago aaaa4. :P i when i was doing hypnosis, I, suddenly dorned on me5. :P that, if you could hypnotise people and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally6. :P what what was going on7. :P and and I started thinking about it in a much broder sense because there were many people who very talented at certain things8. :P and, NLP gives you the ability to ask very precise questions about consciousness9. :P and, it started out with spelling there were kids that that could spell and kids that couldn't spell I happen to be one of the once that had no idea how to -spell most words10. :P because they told me that you should spell them (up) phonetically11. :P and you can't even spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics12. :P and this morning on television there was one of the politicians here locally announcing how they had to go back to using phonetics as foundation of learning to read13. :P and unfortunatelly in english most words aren't really that phonetic words like caught14. :P are realy cu-nd-ght15. :P that we have silent letters and long vowels and all kinds of strange things that sound more like a hypnotic induction16. :P than anything else17. :P now it went further than that I think alot of my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists18. :P that they did things to me for example19. :P when I was I was in a fourth grade20. :P they came and they handed me a little plastic flute about this big .... and a piece of shit music and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy21. :P not one of my favourites22. :P and they said this is a this is every good boy does fine and the spaces were face and and I didn't even know what they were talking about23. :P and they said learn to play this song24. :P: and I went home and I blew in a thing and it sounded horrible so I didn't do it25. :P then the day before we were supposed to be tested on it I I tryded I tried to remember the song I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры)26. :P and I took it and I went into the class and all this kids went (звуки игры) and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music27. :P now since then I've written an equivavelnt of over thirty-five symphonies28. :P and the musics on the you know the personal enhancement series and all of hose hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things29. :P I've written a music for television commercial when I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra30. :P so they weren't exactly right31. :P but then [...] stubborn32. :P they also did something else to me they, they took me in a art class33. :P I got in trouble in one class so they pulled me out of class and they said the only thing I can do was art34. :P so they stuck me in a art class because I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy35. :P and the art teacher stuck a fruit ball on a table36. :P and she said to she said she said everyone is going to draw a fruit ball37. :P and they handed us these...38. :P I don't know they were they were colored cranes or something39. :P and and I drew something that looked like somebody sneezed color onto the paper40. :P the guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph
41. :P and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything
42. :P and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic43. :P and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]44. :P when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york45. I was staying at the barbason plasa and my wife and I were walking down the street and we walked in front of an art store and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint46. and I looked at her and went I am not artistic
Опись лексики сразу после ЯЗ. В порядке ее появления/чередования в тексте.(а) Удвоениеaaaa today aaaa - i when i - what what - and and - and and(б) НЛПin neuro-linguistic programming - and NLP(в) Времяlong time - are realy - now - now(г) That, than, when, then,that - than - that - when - then - when(д) Andand and - and, NLP - and - and you - and - and - and they - and they - and I - and I - and - and - and she - and they - and I - and - and I - and I(e) Because, so,because they - so they - so they(ж) They, you, we, I, she, guy,because they - and you - that we - when I - they - and they - and they - and I - and I - I - so they - they - so they - and she - and they - I - the guy - and I - and I - I - and I(з) Not, but,not, but
Опись лексики "перед ЯЗ"(а) Звуки, звукопроизнесение - музыка, разговор, искусство, талант и т.п.aaaa - aaaa - talented at certain things - to spell most words - you should spell them (up) phonetically - spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics - using phonetics as foundation of learning to read - that phonetic words like caught - cu-nd-ght - sound more like a hypnotic induction - music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy - they were talking about - said learn to play this song - it sounded horrible so I didn't do it - and I went (звуки игры) - and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music - thirty-five symphonies - I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra - in a art class - and they said the only thing I can do was art - doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything - she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic - 'not artistic' [качает головой] - and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint - and went I am not artistic(б) Оценки, сравнения и т.п.foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion - and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally - that phonetic words like caught - like a hypnotic induction - things to me for example - of my favourites - exactly right - I was a bad boy(в) Времяlong time ago aaaa - I, suddenly dorned on me(г) Сознание - Подсознаниеprecise questions about consciousness - like a hypnotic induction - very vicious hypnotists - hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things(д) Удвоение лексикиand and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy - and and I didn't even know what they were talking about - they, they took me in a art class(е) Визуальная модальность и субмодальностиI went let's see it's yankee doodle - and they looked at me - colored cranes or something - color onto the paper - looked like a photograph - and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly(ж) С местоимениямиI, suddenly dorned on me - and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally - people who very talented at certain things - my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists - I was in a fourth grade - of my favourites - I didn't even know what they were talking about - I didn't do it - I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры) - and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music - I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra - me they, they took me in a art class - I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy - they were colored cranes or something - he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything - and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic - and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint - and went I am not artistic
(а) Звуки, звукопроизнесение - музыка, разговор, искусство, талант и т.п.(е) Визуальная модальность и субмодальностиЭти категории вроде похожи/одинаковые.(ж) С местоимениямиВот это клёвое наблюдение. Бандлер реально там ЯЗ использует для соединение-разъединения действующего лица и его действий. Мне кажется (сорри, если это преждевременный/отвлекающий комментарий, то можно его игнорировать/стереть :) ), что там примерно такая ээ онтология языкоидов:- на уровне отдельной реплики: интеграция действий с местоимениями, смена действующих лиц, интеграция отдельных действий в серию- на уровне групп реплик (3-10 штук подряд): примерно аналогичная структуре дыхательных фраз Э. - от введения к заключению, от событий к референции, от чужих мыслей/оценок к собственным/личным, от негатива к позитиву, от прошлого к будущему- на уровне групп групп реплик: вложенные истории, манипуляция временем/местом/контекстом, сценарное программирование
-- а) Звуки, звукопроизнесение - музыка, разговор, искусство, талант и т.п.(е) Визуальная модальность и субмодальности--Эти категории вроде похожи/одинаковые.Как звук может быть подобен свету?--(ж) С местоимениями--Вот это клёвое наблюдение. Бандлер реально там ЯЗ использует для соединение-разъединения действующего лица и его действий. Мне кажется (сорри, если это преждевременный/отвлекающий комментарий, то можно его игнорировать/стереть :)Да ничего стирать не надо. В этом месте процесса требуется описать конктерный результат. Не догодки :)), что там примерно такая ээ онтология языкоидов: - на уровне отдельной реплики: интеграция действий с местоимениями, смена действующих лиц, интеграция отдельных действий в сериюДаже не прошу тебя описать это на конкретном материале. У тебя куча другой работы :)- на уровне групп реплик (3-10 штук подряд): примерно аналогичная структуре дыхательных фраз Э. - от введения к заключению, от событий к референции, от чужих мыслей/оценок к собственным/личным, от негатива к позитиву, от прошлого к будущемуУ тебя куча другой работы :)- на уровне групп групп реплик: вложенные истории, манипуляция временем/местом/контекстом, сценарное программированиеУ тебя...