
Re: 1 - ПРАВО 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

41. :P and I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything

42. :P and the teacher came up and took it and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic
43. :P and I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]
44. :P when I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of new york
45. I was staying at the barbason plasa and my wife and I were walking down the street and we walked in front of an art store and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint
46. and I looked at her and went I am not artistic

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