
Опись лексики "перед ЯЗ" 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Опись лексики "перед ЯЗ"
(а) Звуки, звукопроизнесение - музыка, разговор, искусство, талант и т.п.
aaaa - aaaa - talented at certain things - to spell most words - you should spell them (up) phonetically - spell phonetics phonetically that its comes out p-ho-nics - using phonetics as foundation of learning to read - that phonetic words like caught - cu-nd-ght - sound more like a hypnotic induction - music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy - they were talking about - said learn to play this song - it sounded horrible so I didn't do it - and I went (звуки игры) - and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music - thirty-five symphonies - I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra - in a art class - and they said the only thing I can do was art - doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything - she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic - 'not artistic' [качает головой] - and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint - and went I am not artistic
(б) Оценки, сравнения и т.п.
foundation of the entire field ..... is based on a simple notion - and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally - that phonetic words like caught - like a hypnotic induction - things to me for example - of my favourites - exactly right - I was a bad boy
(в) Время
long time ago aaaa - I, suddenly dorned on me
(г) Сознание - Подсознание
precise questions about consciousness - like a hypnotic induction - very vicious hypnotists - hypnosis tapes and all kinds of other things
(д) Удвоение лексики
and and on shit music was a wonderful song called yankee doodle dandy - and and I didn't even know what they were talking about - they, they took me in a art class
(е) Визуальная модальность и субмодальности
I went let's see it's yankee doodle - and they looked at me - colored cranes or something - color onto the paper - looked like a photograph - and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly
(ж) С местоимениями
I, suddenly dorned on me - and get them to do things that they couldn't do normally - people who very talented at certain things - my teachers were actually a very vicious hypnotists - I was in a fourth grade - of my favourites - I didn't even know what they were talking about - I didn't do it - I went let's see it's yankee doodle something or other and I went (звуки игры) - and I went (звуки игры) and they looked at me and they said you are not musical took my flute away said I couldn't be in a band and said you'd never learn to play music - I worked for ad agencies I scored a whole symphony with orcherstra - me they, they took me in a art class - I got in a fight with a teacher I was a bad boy - they were colored cranes or something - he doing this you know and he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything - and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly she said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic - and my wife said to me she said uh let's get some stuff and paint - and went I am not artistic

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