
Опись лексики сразу после ЯЗ 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Опись лексики сразу после ЯЗ. В порядке ее появления/чередования в тексте.
(а) Удвоение
aaaa today aaaa - i when i - what what - and and - and and
(б) НЛП
in neuro-linguistic programming - and NLP
(в) Время
long time - are realy - now - now
(г) That, than, when, then,
that - than - that - when - then - when
(д) And
and and - and, NLP - and - and you - and - and - and they - and they - and I - and I - and - and - and she - and they - and I - and - and I - and I
(e) Because, so,
because they - so they - so they
(ж) They, you, we, I, she, guy,
because they - and you - that we - when I - they - and they - and they - and I - and I - I - so they - they - so they - and she - and they - I - the guy - and I - and I - I - and I
(з) Not, but,
not, but