
Выталкивание болезни — прямым(?) движением 

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

I thought I could make her well and actually leave the
hospital where she lay dying. I even consulted don Juan about it.
„Sure. You can cure her and make her walk out of that death trap,” he said.
„How?” I asked him.
„It’s a very simple procedure,” he said. „All you have to do is remind her that she’s an incurable
patient. Since she’s a ter-minal case she has power. She has nothing to lose anymore. She’s lost
everything already. When one has nothing to lose, one becomes courageous. We are timid only
when there is something we can still cling to.”
„But is it enough just to remind her of that?”
„No. That will give her the boost she needs. Then she has to push the disease away with her left
hand. She must push her arm out in front of her with her hand clenched as if she were holding a
knob. She must push on and on as she says out, out, out.
Tell her that, since she has nothing else to
do, she must dedicate every second of her remaining life to perform-ing that movement. I assure
you that she can get up and walk away, if she wants to.”
„It sounds so simple,” I said.
Don Juan chuckled.
„It seems simple,” he said, „but it isn’t. In order to do this your friend needs an impeccable spirit.”
He looked at me for a long time. He seemed to be measur-ing the concern and sadness I felt for my
„Of course,” he added, „if your friend had an impeccable spirit she wouldn’t be there in the first
I told my friend what don Juan had said. But she was al-ready too weak even to attempt to move
her arm
The Second Ring of Power

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