
Вводные слова из "Лягушек" 

bionycks в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

После "actually", следующее вводное слово по тексту - "however".
A Challeng to the Reader

In mystery and spy novels, the reader can expect to be offered a series of written clues—fragmentary descriptions of earlier events. When these fragments are fitted together, they provide enough of a representation for the careful reader to reconstruct the earlier events, even to the point of understanding the specific actions and motivations of the people involved—or at least to reach the understanding that the author will offer at the conclusion of the novel. The more casual reader is simply entertained and arrives at a more personal understanding, of which s/ he may or may not be conscious. The writer of such a novel has the obligation to provide enough fragments to make a reconstruction possible, but not obvious.
This book is also the written record of a mystery story of sorts. However, it differs from the traditional mystery in several important ways. This is the written record of a story that was told, and story-telling is a different skill than story-writing.

Всего по тексту:
however 52
actually 55
at least 20
therefore 8
besides 2
furthermore 0
nevertheless 1
hence 0
moreover 0
additionally 0
thus 0

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