metanymous в Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
Прокатимся на волне прогресса
С того момента, когда я последний раз исследовал вопрос создания электроники в домашних условиях, инструменты радикально шагнули вперёд. К вот такой хрени размером с фалангу пальца:
Можно присоединить вот такой КГР-датчик:
И на C-подобном языке писать к нему софт. Стоимости оборудования в пределах 2000 рублей с доставкой. Когда-нибудь доберусь :)
You've never seen an Arduino™ compatible like this. With a built-in OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode Display) you can see what your Arduino is thinking without having to connect it to your computer.
No more cryptic "Hello World" LED blink sequences or shoehorning oversized displays onto your tiny Arduino™. Development is much easier when you can see what's going on.
In addition to the built-in tutorials, we've also built a cross platform course that runs on iPad, Microsoft Surface and modern Web Browsers on Windows, Mac and Linux.
The course takes you step by step through building a 11 different circuits including:
The interactive course is included within the "Learning Kit" and "Educators Kit" rewards tier.
Note: 6-16VDC is the manufacturer's recommendation for a stable 5V 16Mhz operation. Voltages below 6VDC are for hackers that wish to drive the ATmega328P and LDO beyond the datasheet's limit.
We've already started making projects with the MicroView, here are some of our favorites:
Here are some other project ideas we've had:
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