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Если галочки не стоят — только metapractice

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meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The procedure of the trance state was repeated with no additional elaboration in the waking state and with the same instructions. She was dismissed, not entirely pleased but somewhat intrigued, with instructions to return the next day.
A medium-to-deep trance was readily induced, and it was learned that she had spent approximately two hours “marking marks!”
The explanation was then offered her that the only difference between a pile of lumber to construct a house and the completed house was that the latter was the former “merely put together.”
To this she agreed wonderingly.
She was then shown a rectangle and told, “That’s a rough plan of the side of a 40-foot barn.”
The rectangle was then bisected vertically and she was told, “Now it’s a rough plan of two 20-foot long barns end to end.”
Still wondering, she agreed.
She was then shown a neat copy of the “marks” she had made the previous day and was asked to select those that could be used to make a small-scale “rough plan” of the side of a 40-foot barn and to “mark out” such a plan.
She was then asked to “split it in the middle” and then to “mark out one 20-foot side of a barn up on top of another one the same size.”
Bewilderedly she did so.
She was then asked to use the oblique lines to “mark out” the gable end of a roof and then one of the straight lines to “stretch halfway up from one side to the other like a scantling used to brace the end of the roof.”
Obediently she did so and she was emphatically assured that she now knew how to put marks together, but that she should take half of the doughnut hole and use it repeatedly to “round off the corners of the side of the barn.”
This she did.
Thereupon she was emphatically instructed as an indisputable item of information that not only did she know how to write, but the fact had been irrefutably established.
This dogmatic statement puzzled her greatly but without diminishing her cooperation.
Before she could organize any thoughts on this matter, she was peremptorily instructed to inspect the “marks” and “put them together in twos and threes in different ways.”

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

O. K. Now make a mark on the paper, any old scribbling mark like a baby that can’t write makes. Just any old crooked mark! That’s something you don’t even have to learn.
O. K. Now make a straight mark on the paper, like you make with a nail when you want to saw a board straight or with a stick when you mark a row in the garden. You can make it short or long or straight up and down or just lying down.
O. K. Now make a mark like the hole in a doughnut and then two marks like the halves of the doughnut when you break the doughnut in halves.
O. K. Now make two slanted marks, one like one side of the gable roof of a barn and the other like the other side.
O. K. Now make a mark like a horse’s crupper standing on the little end. And now poke the pencil in the paper and make just a little spot.
O. K. Now all those marks you made you can make different sizes and in different places on the paper and in different order and even one on top of the other or one next to another. O. K.?
Now, those marks that you made and can make again any old time [straight, vertical, horizontal, and oblique lines; circles, semicircles, etc.] are writing, but you don’t know that it is writing. You don’t have to believe that it is writing—all you have to do is know that you can make those marks and that isn’t hard to know, because you already know it. Now I’m going to awaken you and do the same thing all over, and I want you to practice at home making those marks. O. K.?
Milton H. Erickson
Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, July 1959, 2, 3-21

A 70-year-old woman born in a rural community had not been allowed to attend school, since her parents did not believe in education for women. At the age of 14 she married a youth of 16, whose formal education was limited to his signature for signing checks and “figgering.” The bride was pleased with her husband’s greater education and resolved to have him teach her, since she resented her lack of schooling. This hope did not materialize. During the next six years she was kept busy with farm work and pregnancies, but she did learn to “figger” excellently but only mentally, since it was apparently impossible for her to learn to write numerals. Neither was she able to learn to sign her name.
At the age of 20 she hit upon the idea of furnishing room and board for the local rural schoolteacher, with the intention of receiving, in return for reduced rates, the much desired instruction in reading and writing.
Each school year for the next 50 years she made and kept her agreement, and the teachers hopefully began the attempt. Finally, some soon, others only after prolonged labor, abandoned the task of teaching her as hopeless. As the community grew, the number of teachers increased until she was boarding, year after year, a total of four. None succeeded, despite the sincerity of her desire and the honesty of their effort. Her children went through grade school, high school, and college, and they too tried to instruct their mother but without results.
Each time she was given a lesson, invariably she developed, after the manner of a seriously frightened small child, a state of mental blankness or a state of frantic, disorganized effort to please that led to a total impasse.
It was not that “Maw” was unintelligent. She had an excellent memory, good critical judgment, listened well, and was remarkably well informed. She often gave strangers, through her conversation, the impression that she had a college education, despite her faulty grammar.
At the time she was seen by the writer, she and her husband had been retired for some years, but she was still boarding teachers, three at that time. These three had made it a joint project for several months to teach her the elements of reading and writing but were finally forced to give up. They described her as:
It’s always the same. She starts the lesson period full of enthusiasm and hope, and that’s the way you feel, too. But inside of a minute you’ll swear that you must be talking a foreign language to her because she doesn’t understand a thing you say or do. No matter what you say or do, she just sits there with those eager, troubled eyes, trying hard to make sense out of the nonsense you seem to be saying to her. We’ve tried everything. We’ve talked to some of our friends who have tried. She is just like a badly scared child who has blanked out completely, except that she doesn’t seem scared but just blanked out. Because she is so intelligent, we just couldn’t believe that she couldn’t learn easily.

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The children couldn't believe their ears. Here was a teacher telling them to cheat! When people hear the word 'cheat' they are shocked. We are taught from an early age that cheating is wrong, and indeed it is. But this teacher was not talking about cheating the way we normally understand the term. He was talking about using your mind in a way that you never did before.
The teacher (Richard Bandler) was talking about organising and driving your brain so that it helps you to spell consistently, speak fluently, calculate effectively, read efficiently, remember consistently and learn easily.
When learners are taught the quick and easy steps to learning it does seem that they have an unfair advantage, unless or until of course all children are taught the same processes. So some people may think this is cheating, while learners today might use the term 'learning hacks'. We prefer the terms learning on purpose and thinking on purpose.
Дополнительные графы

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

На мой взгляд, в технике Ценностных Иерархий ("ЦИ", такое теперь принятое название модели), при подобном применении, вполне уместно и полезно вводить дополнительные графы (столбцы). Например, вы предлагаете фиксировать внутренние образы.
При этом стандартные графы остаются. Иначе ЦИ начнёт "расползаться". Внешние стимулы ко внутренним находятся стандартными вопросами метамодели из серии "если субъект затрудняется ответить", например:
— "какие внешние стимулы Х УСИЛИВАЮТ образ Y?"
— "какой внешний стимул Х НАПОМИНАЕТ об образе Y?"
— "вот у вас на уме образ Y... а теперь, сразу как вы обратили внимание на внешний мир, что X первым делом из-вне бросается в глаза, или слышится, или тактильно ощущается?"
— "какие внешние стимулы X ассоциативно связаны с образом Y?"
...ну и т.п.
Кстати, стимулами могут быть написанные или звучащие слова, в числе прочих модальностей.
А-а, это описывают что-то вроде нашей "склейки":
Для "генеративности" и "развития" необходима манипуляция "мета-ресурсами".
Вот, некоторые считают, что техники НЛП это нечто такое типа приземлённое, не очень-то развивающее. Однако мы-то знаем, что даже за счёт банального (и соответствующего стандартнам исполнения) повторения техник можно спонтанно возникнуть генерализация. А если её ожидать, то она возникнет с необходимостью.
Подобное ОЖИДАНИЕ — или ОБЯЗАННОСТЬ ВЕРИТЬ — и является первым примером мета-ресурса:
Вторым примером мета-ресурса являются все виды ресурсных мета-ощущений. Например:
Психотерапия "свежестью"

Третьим примером мета-ресурса являются все виды "целевых интерфейсов":
Даже простое классическое интегрирование якорей, если выполнять его с мета-ресурсами, есть прямая техника "генеративного" и "развития".
Министр просвещения Ольга Васильева в Калуге объявила направления, утвержденные для итогового сочинения в этом году. Их всего пять:
1. Мечта и реальность
2. Отцы и дети
3. Искусство и ремесло
4. Месть и великодушие
5. Доброта и жестокость
Далее в рамках этих направлений Рособрнадзор должен разработать конкретные темы итогового сочинения для каждого часового пояса. Они станут известны непосредственно в день проведения.

Подсознание (15) Модель контроля текущей подсознательной активности
Подсознательное мышление (3) Модель контроля текущей активности подсознательного мышления
Сознание (32) Модель баланса текущей сознательной/ подсознательной активности
Моделируем глазодвигатели (33) Количественные факторы КГД-модели: Поиск-Осознание-Референция
Глазодвигательный портрет (36) КГД-«портеры» модели «Поиск-Осознание-Референция»
Модель субличности (18) Буферная диалоговая ёмкость ТДП субъекта

Google created a fake pizza brand to test out creative strategies for YouTube ads

As for what they learned, here’s how Google summarized the findings:
1. Immersive, multi-sensory experiences drive better recall than single sensory experiences.
Implications: Food ads should stimulate the full range of senses and use the full potential of audio, visual and text cues to do so.
2. Separating visual input from text (voice and supers) increases both recall and favorability.
Implications: Brands making short-form ads should consider separating visual clips from audio/supers for maximum impact.
3. Explicit instruction to imagine increases both recall and favorability.
Implications: Brands should use instruction to drive impact until they can prove more effective options.
4. We want edge-to-edge food in our food ads.
Implications: Food ads should include super close shots of the food to drive favorability and recall.
5. Bite and smile is not the only way to show a pleasurable food experience.
Implications: A range of human/food approaches are equally valid. Brands should feel there is freedom in how they present their food being enjoyed, not constrained by bite-and-smile.
6. Younger audiences responded better to first-person perspectives (POV) than older audiences did.

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