

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The procedure of the trance state was repeated with no additional elaboration in the waking state and with the same instructions. She was dismissed, not entirely pleased but somewhat intrigued, with instructions to return the next day.
A medium-to-deep trance was readily induced, and it was learned that she had spent approximately two hours “marking marks!”
The explanation was then offered her that the only difference between a pile of lumber to construct a house and the completed house was that the latter was the former “merely put together.”
To this she agreed wonderingly.
She was then shown a rectangle and told, “That’s a rough plan of the side of a 40-foot barn.”
The rectangle was then bisected vertically and she was told, “Now it’s a rough plan of two 20-foot long barns end to end.”
Still wondering, she agreed.
She was then shown a neat copy of the “marks” she had made the previous day and was asked to select those that could be used to make a small-scale “rough plan” of the side of a 40-foot barn and to “mark out” such a plan.
She was then asked to “split it in the middle” and then to “mark out one 20-foot side of a barn up on top of another one the same size.”
Bewilderedly she did so.
She was then asked to use the oblique lines to “mark out” the gable end of a roof and then one of the straight lines to “stretch halfway up from one side to the other like a scantling used to brace the end of the roof.”
Obediently she did so and she was emphatically assured that she now knew how to put marks together, but that she should take half of the doughnut hole and use it repeatedly to “round off the corners of the side of the barn.”
This she did.
Thereupon she was emphatically instructed as an indisputable item of information that not only did she know how to write, but the fact had been irrefutably established.
This dogmatic statement puzzled her greatly but without diminishing her cooperation.
Before she could organize any thoughts on this matter, she was peremptorily instructed to inspect the “marks” and “put them together in twos and threes in different ways.”