

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

As a succeeding step she was taught the game of anagrams, which was described as entirely comparable to tearing down “the back porch and using the old lumber to build on a new room with a kitchen sink.
“The task of “ naming” the words became most fascinating to her.
The final step was to have her discover that “naming words is just like talking,” and this was achieved simply by having her “build” words taken from the dictionary, apparently chosen at random but carefully selected by the writer, which she was asked to “set down here or there on this straight line.”
Since the words were not put down in correct order but were in correct spacing, the final result when she was called upon to “name” them astonished her.
The words were, “Get going Ma and put some grub on the table.”
As she completed “naming” the words, she declared, “Why, that’s what Pa always says—it’s just like talking.”
The transition from “talking words” to “reading words” was then a minor matter.
Within three weeks’ time she was spending every spare minute with her dictionary and a Readers’ Digest.
She died of a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 80, a most prolific reader and a frequent letter writer to her children and grandchildren.