

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

With a little judicious maneuvering and indirect guidance on the part of the writer, it was possible to secure among the various “combinations” she made the complete alphabet printed in block form and with some of the letters formed in rounded fashion.
These were carefully reduplicated on a separate sheet of paper.
Thereupon a newspaper advertisement, magazine advertisements, and a child’s textbook were brought out, and systematically it was pointed out that she, without recourse to a copying procedure, had printed each of the letters of the alphabet.
She then was maneuvered into orienting her recognition of the letters not by comparing her printed letters with those in the book but by validating the letters in the book by their similarity to her own constructions.
Great care was exerted to prevent her from losing this orientation. Her excitement, pleasure, and interest were most striking.
The entire procedure was then repeated in the waking state.
The next problem was to interest her safely in “letter building” and “word building” and the “naming,” not reading each new construct.
Each step was accomplished first in the trance state and then repeated in the waking state.
No mention was made of writing or reading; circumlocutions were used.
For example she would be told, “Take some of these straight or crooked lines and build me another letter.
Now build me a few letters alongside of each other and name the word.”
Then she was taught that “a dictionary is not a book to read; it is a book to look up words in, just like a picture book isn’t for reading, it’s just to look at pictures.” With the dictionary she was enabled to discover that she could use vertical, horizontal, oblique, or curved lines to “build” any word in it, and great care was taken to emphasize the importance of “the right name for each word, just like you never forget the correct name for a harrow, a disk, or a cultivator.”