
Мутная тема ихней какой-то рассылки 

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Да нет там пульта. Вон откуда взялось:
Subject: [dhe] specifically
>OK, I want to motivate myself to finish a rather complex
>marketing/promotional article. How do I go about using
>DHE(tm) to do that?
Ok Kurt, here we go!
What you need to do is build a propulsion system. The way (how to) of
building a propulsion system is:
First, access your moving away from values. What do I want to avoid by
completing this project quickly and easily? (e.g. poor grade, project hanging
over my head continuously, lose of potential for better graduate school,
lower paying starting job; yada, yada)
For you, fully and completely . . . fell those feelings . . . think those
thoughts. . . and see those images in your mind now. And as you experience
how horrible this is . . . STOP IT!
Now, second, access your moving toward values. What do I want to achieve by
completing this task, quickly and easily (lower the voice tone in brain)
When you have "a rather complex marketing/promotional article" fully and
successfully completed, what do you have? What does that do for you now?
Don't . . . DOUBLE THOSE FEELINGS NOW. That's right, it FEELS GOOD . . . TO
Allow yourself to fill up fully with those wonderful feelings of completion
. . . climax . . . SUCCESS!
The conscious mind sets the aim, the unconscious mind pulls the trigger.
Kurt, the above is the beginning of building a propulsion system
consciously. The following is a 'news group article' I saved which is self
explanatory, and an excellent example of what steps your conscious mind can
follow, so your unconscious achieves the state of nuclear forward
propulsion. The context for the article is different from your goal, but you
can now imagine after you have read it, how it works for your situation too.
Chicagoland Lloyd
Warning, the following is rated PG-13
.... <Дальше о встраивании системы мотивации для знакомства с девушками> ...

Ну и история про льва отдельным файлом. Походу дела практик какой-то ихний отписавшийся в рассылке не вкурил что там dhe SPECIFICALLY может с этим делать. Какой-то гипнотизм даже без кнопок, не то что пультов/панелей.

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