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Если галочки не стоят — только metapractice

Показаны записи 761 - 770 из 1452
Re: 6

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Re: 5

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Re: 4

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Re: 2

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Re: Format languages differently

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

vseslavrus replies:
Во-первых, свои реплики пиши стразу на двух языках. :)
Во-вторых. Сливается у двуязычных переводчиков. А у нас - одноязычных ничего не сливается. Несмотря, на то что мы учили английский в школе и институтах. Но, самое главное - у наших АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫХ ГОСТЕЙ сливаться вообще не будет - они русский не учли даже в школе :)
Не подумал об этом:) Не подумал посмотреть на это с их точки зрения.
First, write your comments in both languages. :)
Ok, got it:)
Second. Everything mixes up visually in your, translators' bilingual perception. But we are monolingual people and nothing mixes up in our perception, despite we studied English at schools and universities. But the most important thing about it is that nothing will be mixed up in our ENGLISH-SPEAKING VISITORS' perception at all - they did not study Russian even at school :)
Oh, I just didn't think about it. Didn't think about looking at the text from their perspective.
Re: Format languages differently

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

metanymous wrote:
Your comment is not a technical one, so it is not an offtopic.
First, write your comments in both languages. :)
Second. Everything mixes up visually in your, translators' bilingual perception. But we are monolingual people and nothing mixes up in our perception, despite we studied English at schools and universities. But the most important thing about it is that nothing will be mixed up in our ENGLISH-SPEAKING VISITORS' perception at all - they did not study Russian even at school :)
Format languages differently

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Анатолий, может, форматированием как-то обозначить различие между английским и русским текстом в теле поста? Как-то все сливается - зрительно не очень хорошо.
Anatoly, why don't we format English and Russian text in the post body differently - it's not very convenient to read - everything is kind of mixed up visually.

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

У меня эта книга уже есть.
Если повезет - будет у нас настольная библия по нейрологии отзеркаливания.
Ну, я буду держать за пальцы за то, чтобы эта "библия" у нас была:)

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

metanymous wrote:
OFFTOPIC - all the titles and comments shall be translated into English.

vseslavrus в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

metanymous wrote:
I have been listening to the recordings for several days already. I am already able to hear the intonations, but I can't catch\lack time to catch them. But it doesn't bother me at all. I did this work many times and know that for sure. My being unable to hear the intonations in the very beginning of this work - and now lack of time to catch them - ALL THESE ARE EFFECTS OF SOCIAL NEGATIVE GALLUCINATION, which most of us experiences.
But I know for sure, that the strange thing is to occur next week - as if tight earplugs will be removed from my ears - and I am to begin to hear and HAVE TIME TO REGISTER THE INTONATIONS - to hear tens of intonations of Erickson's voice.
But I shall hear not only Erickson in the recordings - I shall become more sensitive to intonations of voices of all other people that surround me. This effect, even if I shall not maintain the acuity of hearing by special trainings, will remain for quite a long time.

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