
Integral NLP

ailev в Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Инвариантное моделирование Spinning World
  1. Инвариантное моделирование Spinning World metanymous
    Холигрэл Ковчег ракурсов immergent
Рекомендации для НЛП-сообщества.
  Рекомендации для НЛП-сообщества. immergent
    Re: Бейтсон, Коржибский, Эриксон immergent
    Прежде чем интегрировать НЛП, - его надо обкоцать metanymous
Я тут списался с Brian van Der Horst, который полтора года назад указал нам на существование интегрального подхода. Собственно, я его спросил, как движется объявленный им проект Integral NLP (собственно, мы в ОпенМете что-то такое и пытаемся делать в последнее время).
Оказалось, что в Glastonbury 1-4 июля прошла вторая конференция Integral NLP. Brian там сделал презентацию, которую и прислал с пожеланием успехов ОпенМете. Конференция была Four days of inspirational seminars, interactive workshops and stimulating entertainment to help you grow in mind, body and spirit. Featuring Dr Don Beck, Charles Faulkner, William Bloom, Brian Van Der Horst, Eileen Watkins Seymour, John McWhirter, Steve Saunders, Christoffer de Graal, Cailtin Walker, Sally Vanson, Judy Apps, Peter McNab, Dr Brian Kaplan, Patrick Merlevede, Cricket Kemp, Naomi Tickle among many more great presenters.
Friday 1st July: NLP for business, for leadership, for change
Saturday 2nd July: NLP in education and the community
Sunday 3rd July: NLP in health, therapy and counselling
Monday 4th July: NLP mind, body and sprit
Other fantastic presenters are:
Christine Miller, David Somerville, Diane Kutz, Ian Berry, Jamie Smart, Jill Wigmore-Welsh, Kevin Greenleaves, Marian Way, Mavis Kerrigan, Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers, Nick Kemp, Pamela and Peter Keevil, Pete Lockhart, Phil Jeremiah, Eileen Watkins Seymour and Clive Digby-Jones, Sue Sanders-Peppitt, Tim Roberts, Wendy Sullivan.
Tel:+44 (0) 1458 833104 www.nlpdevelopment.org.uk
Обратите внимание на сайт NLP Development Forum -- это как раз место, где женят уилберовщину и NLP (причем делает это толпа народу, включая самого Brien van Der Horst, члена начальной команды разработчиков NLP -- хотя он на самом сайте и не проявляется).
А вот пример NLP-лавки, где применяют этот подход: http://www.holigral.co.uk/courses.htm. Вот их заявочки: No longer will you have to spend years sitting atop a mountain in deep meditation. For example, you will learn techniques that quieten your mind in seconds and give you control over how you access thoughts and interpret messages. (http://www.holigral.co.uk/ae.htm). Нэлперы, что с них возьмешь :) Обратите внимание, как осторожно говорит сам Brien van Der Horst о том же самом -- моделировании духовности (ниже).
Почитайте на NLP Development Forum, как они применяют четырехквадрантный подход для интеграции NLP и уилберовщины. Вот пример квадранта LR (systems):
"Evolving Consciousness, Evolving NLP: It's time to realize that NLP is a “multiple model” model, which has users who are interested in correspondences with other multiple model models, especially Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber's 4 Quadrant Model. As these are all autonomous models, as are the individuals and organizations they describe, there are cybernetic conditions between them.
This suggests the need for ‘wellformedness’ conditions for combining autonomous models (Bateson, Manturana & Varela).
1. Make sure there is a sensory-based description.
2. Seek the cybernetic complementarity in (so called) cause-effects.
3. Remember that nominalizations are terms of relationship, not characteristics.
4. We do NLP to seek to discover how the processes could work.
This suggests the next areas of NLP modelling are the structure of generalization and cybernetics: scope, category, context and recursiveness.
An example modelling the structure of an expectations and how recursive processes could create levels of consciousness corresponding to Wilber's model was offered."
Коллеги, одним словом, только говорят на английском :)
А вот их программа выхода в "моделирование мы" (LL, Multi-Person NLP):
"NLP began with a modelling of individual experience. This is a strength that has become an unacknowledged weakness. Research in aggregate behavior, sociology of knowledge, and semiotics indicate phenomena beyond every individual that affects experience as much as his/her interior modalities or frames. A group experiment showed that individual choices can quickly aggregate into an undesired state.
A case was made for the Nash Equilibrium. (See A Beautiful Mind.) Then NLP adverts were analyzed in terms of their unconsciously chosen modernist mind set and value to client - helping them fit in. Finally, a demonstration of Bateson's cybernetic complementarities was attempted. The difficulty demonstrated how cybernetic thinking and acting are still in their infancy in NLP. A program was proposed. Each example makes the case there is a world beyond the individual, that can be modelled, and that it is time to go there and do it."

Есть куда стремиться, не правда ли?
Дальше они исправляют СпиральнуюДинамику (UL, NLP & Spirit):
"The Presuppositions of NLP at Different Levels of Spiral Dynamics
Steve Saunders has proposed a revised model of Spiral Dynamics that better maps higher levels of consciousness, and accounts for the mapping the micro-levels of first-tier consciousness into each of the higher levels. Steve is now working towards a set of presuppositions for each level of the spiral. This tailors the appropriate NLP starting point for each level."

А дальше -- огромный вопрос. То ли они все "работают на копирайт" и не выпускают открытых материалов, то ли вся эта пышность у них в далеком будущем времени. Ибо форум у них (http://www.forum.nlpdevelopment.org.uk/yabbse/index.php) содержит аж 64 темы, в которых всего 110 комментов. То есть их онлайн активность в сто раз ниже, нежели в ОпенМете. А может они качеством догоняют -- ибо результаты их, как я понял, вполне уже коммерческие тренинговые продукты. С другой стороны, у них 77 статей в articles, что явно побольше, нежели у нас на сайте. Но качество этих статей... ну, совсем как у нас :)
Вот кусочек из презентации Брайана по NLP моделированию духовности (modelling spirituality), где он признает, что все эти работы только-только начинаются и не имеют за 9 месяцев, которые он этим занимался, большого успеха:
The author of this report has spent the last 25 years in studying and teaching a fledgling cognitive science called neuro-linguistic programming, generally defined as "the study of the structure of subjective experience." NLP is a modeler's discipline, oriented toward producing epistemological models of competence, rather than a theoretical knowledge base. Hence it is not surprising that many of the people popularizing Wilber’s "models of models" come from the NLP community, or knowledge workers in think tanks, artificial intelligence, or other innovators of cognitive technology.
For the past 20 years I have been living in Paris while co-directing an NLP institute . There are around 250 institutes world-wide that formally teach NLP certification programs. Many other professional training organizations also teach NLP; in 1996, an official guide to business training companies in France alone listed 330 enterprises that say they teach some form or another of NLP. My colleagues in America, Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and Bali have been instrumental in directing me toward those using the IV distinctions in their work.
NLP is for me a user-friendly tool for creating threshold experiences that can direct people toward recognizing and transcending holons. But as a field it is woefully naive about most of the nine fulcrums of awareness and development and spends more of it's energy toward translating solutions rather than transcending and including levels of experience. Myself, included. My work in teaching, therapy, and consulting deals mostly with interface solutions; how to get people moving toward the discovery of self, while dealing with garden-variety dukkha, frustration, suffering, and the inevitable tragedies and delights of life.
Most of the applications I have encountered deal with using the KW as a tool for creating and verifying models of experience. Some, happily are dancing on the frontier of translation and transcendence, and often give students, clients and colleagues the opportunity to make transformative leaps of personal evolution. But success, as in any enlightenment endeavor, is rare.
I hope that colleagues like Robert McDonald, James Lawley and Penny Tompkins, Peter McNab, Marilyn Atkinson and Wyatt Woodsmall and I might be able to blaze some trails in that direction, but I certainly haven't had more than a few examples of clients that have made significant spiritual transformations through NLP at this time.
Так что все ОК: мы в ОпенМете никуда еще не отстали, заграница нам не поможет -- потому как практически нечем там пока помогать. Что же, счастья им. Они там такие же беспокойные, как и мы. Только быстрее все превращают в коммерческие продукты :)

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