
Сохранение ресурсов во время интеграции 

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Так что «много денег на нелюбимой работе» следует рассматривать не в рабочем контексте работодатель-работник, но в контексте, в котором работник получил пример возможности зарабатывать на неинтересной работе.
Например, я реально знаю молодого парня, у которого всё с образованием и головой в порядке. Но, который органически не может работать на не интересной работе.
И что надо п-рекапитулировать композитору Раймонду Паулсу, которого в детстве сильно принуждали заниматься музыкой.
Кстати, и Моцарта принуждали.

Нашёл в "Frogs into princess". Разговор идёт о "лечении"/реинтеграции множественной личности — мол надо знать, какая модель частей была у терапевта, который её индуцировал.
She didn't think that this was bad, by the way. Her description was
that he pulled the peg out so that they all became more apparent as
separate personalities, and now they were going to go back through
and make them all into one again. The tragic thing is that when he
succeeded in integrating her, she had total amnesia for her entire life,
and was a drip as far as I could tell. She had these great parts. She had a
sexy part that was just rrrnnnhhhl Another part told jokes and was
really corny. Another part was very shy and coy. But when he "cured"
her, she had amnesia for her entire life and she had none of the
resources of any of those parts. She was just dull.
Now I don't think that you can wipe out parts. So I kept mentioning
the names of the parts that I liked, and I got really great unconscious
responses from her. They were still there, but they weren't fully
available to her.
To do a good job with a multiple personality, I think you need to
know the model of the therapist that created it. Some therapists' model
of multiple personality is that you have all these parts and an
unconscious that runs the program. That's one model, a very common
one. The way you'd integrate that one is totally different than you
would some other model. This guy's model was that there were three
parts here and they had their own unconscious, and then there were
two parts over here and they had an unconscious, and then there was
an unconscious for these two unconsciouses, and so on. It was really
stacked in levels. When you integrated, you would always have to
integrate at the same logical level. My guess is that he didn't do that,
and that is how he got so much amnesia.
У нагвалистов порядок интеграции "от конца к началу" наверняка тоже неспроста — так больше шансов случайно не затереть какой-нибудь ресурс.

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