Написание имен авторов и названия книги: Milton H Erickson, Sidney Rosen, My Voice Will Go with You: Teaching Tales of Milton H. EriksonЕсть ли текст в сети - надо поискать.
LIGHT SNOWIn the village of Lowell, Wisconsin, it snowed for the firsttime that autumn on November 12, shortly before 4:00 P.M. Andthat kid in the third seat, in the third row of seats, right besidethe window, wondered, How long will I remember this?I was just wondering. , . .I knew exactly . . . I knew it was November 12, in the year1912, It was a very light snow.
LIGHT SNOWIn the village of (*)Lowell, (*)Wisconsin, it (^)snowed for the first time that autumn on (#)November (:)12, shortly before 4:00 P.M.And that kid in the (+)third seat, in the (+)third row of seats, right beside the window, wondered.How long will (-)I remember this?(-)I was just wondering. , . .(-)I knew exactly . . .(-)I knew it was (#)November (:)12, in the year 19(:)12, It was a very light (^)snow.