
Blink and Snake signals consequential comments 

dvv7 в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

• Сигнал*ЯзыкЗмеи
• СигналМногократноеМоргание
• СигналыГлазодвигателей (известный из первого кода)
• Сигнал*ЛошадинаяГолова
• СигналУсмешка

The pictures for each signal will help substantially.
It is very useful term, particularly because of breath matching is as effective as eye/head movements matching. It will well worth to define this term for modelling, i.e. whether ДыхательнаяФраза ends at exhale or inhale, whether nose, mouth, throat or diaphragm acive, etc, too way detailed I know.
This is intriguing phenomena, especially if to remember about literalism. It is kinda 'flying pattern in itself' that occurs in certain way (why in that way always despite to which it is attached), but attaches to various meanings. Alike that major 'walking nerve' part.
Такая диссоциация между внутренними репрезентациями «Я» и процессами памяти, с нашей точки зрения, и была первоначальной причиной приведшей при задействовании других причин к внезапной потере памяти – потере информационной связи между процессами «Я» и различными «знаниями о себе» (или памятью).
This provides a heuristic that there is some strong personal (experience) organization constitution, and some trauma/strong experiences may change the ways of 'reading' from that constitution, but it demonstrates itself tho.
Наше сознательное мышление обычно функционирует в форме иерархий, тогда как наши бессознательные потребности гетерархичны.
This point is supported by the notion that unconsious has no trouble doing several things with 100% commitment to each at one time (see Turtles All the Way Down).
• в момент прохождения сигнала активизировалась некоторая индивидуальная ИерархияКритериевВажности
This is a tricky one. Other options are possible, for example, it is normally for conscious states that one hierarchy is active at one unit of time, but the blinding signals means that there is processing going on--which means that it is more than one hierarchies are becoming activated, which is unusual state of consciousness, and from this point options are two: go for processing (blinking signal) or be aware of heterarchy (special kind of confusion). Our training does not normally allow us to appreciate for heterarchy, so that such appreciation is subjectively cut and nominalized into 'confusion' and ordinary person would not pursue that way to uncover what is beyond that confusion.
Появление этого сигнала в экспресии Чарли означает, что у Чарли активизировалась в целом одна конкретная ИерархияКритериевВажности.
Taking it into process terms, it means that Charlie TRIES TO ACTIVATE ONLY ONE hierarchy, therefore, there is processing.
«Я (*ЯЗ) могу делать А»
«Я могу делать (*ЯЗ) А»
«Я могу (*ЯЗ) делать А»
«Я могу делать А (*ЯЗ)»
-- ММ(Одинокая) утка летит
-- Одинокая ММ(утка) летит
-- Одинокая утка ММ(летит)
-- ММ(Одинокая утка летит)

I was suprised that you indicate snake signal AFTER what is said, but blinking signal BEFORE what is said--this is also an evidence for the fact that blinking signal is associated with something more immediately dynamic (i.e., processing). As well as the fact that you used different formatting, and examples of snake signal are marked as if said out loud by you, while you was writing :-)
It might be continued well.

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I was suprised that you indicate snake signal AFTER what is said, but blinking signal BEFORE what is said--this is also an evidence for the fact that blinking signal is associated with something more immediately dynamic (i.e., processing). As well as the fact that you used different formatting, and examples of snake signal are marked as if said out loud by you, while you was writing :-)
Что-то я не пойму что с этим мудрить. Все вполне просто:
--движения языка просто прерывают речь
--движения век ей не мешают
This does not answer why one signal goes after, and the other before. How showing Snake Signal before a phrase would impact spelling. And don't offer speed argument, because even if the signal is after the phrase, there is next phrase goes rather quickly and signal does not create an obstacle for it. Blink Signal slows people down as well.
Also, there are cases of DELETION in language, so that you can observe the signal but do not hear the phrase of Deep Structure to which it refers to.
Hypotheis A. Neurological constraint: for some hardwired reasons, it is not possible to put Snake singnal before the phrase.
This hypothesis supports that Blinking means unfinished prosessing.
Hypotheis B. Snake signal is a marker, while Blink signal is more processual one.
Hypotheis B. Snake signal is a marker, while Blink signal is more processual one.
Нет это не так. Оба сигнала, в каком-то смысле маркеры. Но моргание может быть "размазанным"/рассредоточенным маркером.