
Re: Blink and Snake signals consequential comments 

dvv7 в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

This does not answer why one signal goes after, and the other before. How showing Snake Signal before a phrase would impact spelling. And don't offer speed argument, because even if the signal is after the phrase, there is next phrase goes rather quickly and signal does not create an obstacle for it. Blink Signal slows people down as well.
Also, there are cases of DELETION in language, so that you can observe the signal but do not hear the phrase of Deep Structure to which it refers to.
Hypotheis A. Neurological constraint: for some hardwired reasons, it is not possible to put Snake singnal before the phrase.
This hypothesis supports that Blinking means unfinished prosessing.
Hypotheis B. Snake signal is a marker, while Blink signal is more processual one.

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