(1) В этом разделе мы будем искать различия в интонациях Эриксона в период 1952 - 1962. Мы не знаем заранее есть ли эти различия. Но и никто не знает. Никто никогда до нас не изучал интонации Эриксона. В период 1990 - 2000 мы изучали интонации Эриксона. Но мы не изучали его интонации в разные годы его жизни. Так что в этом разделе мы будем искать эти возможные различия. На этом пути нам придется преодолеть несколько препятствий. Первое из этих препятствий - это то что большинство людей не слышат интонации голосов других людей и интонации собственного голоса. Вернее, мы слышим, но мы не осознаем интонации так подробно как это надо. Так что для начала мы начинаем тренировать свой слух. Кто-то может спросить - но вы уже тренировали свой слух в 1990-2000 - зачем вам его тренировать снова? Я отвечу так: лет до сорока я активно занимался многими видами спорта и мог пробежать по лесу, не сильно запыхавшись, кросс в 10 километров. Сейчас мне без малого шестьдесят и последние годы я не занимался ни спортом, ни бегом. Запаса тренированности, достигнутой в сорок лет, хватило лет на десять. Теперь запасов спортивной тренированности нет и мне надо начинать тренироваться снова. Похоже дело обстоит и с остротой слуха. Нет, я не утерял совсем навыки различения интонаций, которые приобрел в девяностых. Но... я приступил к данному проекту, я включил запись голоса Эриксона и... и к моему глубокому разочарованию я не услышал всех деталей и ньюансов звучания его голоса каких хотел и ожидал услышать. Так что надо начинать тренировки :)
(1) In this section we shall learn to find distinctions in Erickson's intonations during 1952-1962. We do no know if there are any distinctions beforehand. And nobody knows. No one before us ever studied Erickson's intonations. During 1990-2000 we have been studying Erickson's intonations. But we did not study his intonations in various years of his life. So, in this section we shall search these possible distinctions. On this way we have to overcome several obstacles. The first one is that most people can not hear other people voices' intonations and intonations of their own voices. To be more exact, we hear them, but we are not aware of the intonations as acute as we need now. So, to start with, we begin to train our hearing. Someone may ask – you have already been training your hearing in 1990-2000 – so why do you need to train it once again? And I am answering this way: before I've hit 40 I engaged in various sport activities and was able to race 10 kilometers cross the forest without losing my breath. Now I am almost sixty and recent years I have not engaged in neither sports nor running. But it took me some ten years to spend the store of my condition level I achieved by forty. Now I do not have the store of my sport condition and I have to start training again. The same with hearing acuity. No, I have not unlearnt the skill of identifying intonations, that I gained in nineties. But... I started this project, I turned on the recording of Erickson's voice and … and to my keen disappointment I didn't hear all details and nuances of his voice I would like to have been able to hear. So, we need to start training:)
(2) Ниже вы видите небольшие фрагменты текста. Этот текст получен из минутных фрагментов выступлений Эриксона в разные годы. Мы выбрали записи, в которых есть свидетельство ТОЧНОГО НАЧАЛА. Потом мы объясним почему это важно. Сейчас мы начали слушать только по одной минуте от каждой записи. Затем мы прибавим еще по одной две минут. Затем прибавим еще и т.д.
(2) Below you can see fragments of text. They are transcipts from the first minutes of Erickson's speeches of various years. We selected the recordings where we have witnessed THE VERY STARTING POINTS of speeches. Later we shall explain why it is so important. Now we have begun with listening to the first minute of each recording. Then we shall add one or two minutes more. Then we shall add more and so on.
Milton Erickson 1952 U.C.L.A 01
Now, my topic for this afternoon is … eh … control of physiological functions by hypnosis. And I'm also enlisted later for hypnotic approaches in therapy. Actually, of course, I have a feeling that it is rather difficult thing to do because in any approach to physiological control one also makes use of therapeutic approaches also. And so I'm not really going to try to make a differentiation or to try to make a [00:47 – 00:48] lecture on the subject. Both topics involve a question of techniques and the both concern with the adequate functioning of the individual as the personality and his functioning in a desired manner. [01:10]
Milton Erickson 1955 Philadelphia 1 - Misconceptiions & phenomena
[до этого идет приветствие, речь МЭ начинается на 0:40]
One of the first misconceptions that I want to mention is not listed in your booklet. And that is this. Misconception that you can learn hypnosis from a stage hypnotist. You can learn hypnotist from a stage hypnotist, if you want to work on the stage, but if you want to do medical work or dental work or psychological work, I don’t think that you can learn from a stage hypnotist. It requires a great deal of study in earnest effort and sincere effort on your part.
Another misconception that I want to mention isn’t included is (that) anybody who uses hypnosis must have some very special powers, special knowledge, special abilities. Actually, of course, hypnosis is a very common phenomenon in all human living, and anybody who can communicate with somebody else, can use hypnosis. Anybody, that can communicate with somebody else, can learn hypnosis and utilize it.
Milton Erickson 1958 Pasadena Track 1
[до этого идет приветствие, речь МЭ начинается на 0:09]
Now hypnosis is a phenomenon, that requires participation and I'm gonna ask participation of the part of the audience. The part of your instruction, part of your training should include some efforts on you required to learn and to practice. Now, I'm not going to try to teach you medicine or any of the specialties of any sort. I made mention this specialty or that specialty or this field of medicine or another. But I want you to realize that hypnosis is a technique [0:52 – 0:54] ...lty as approach to the patient. And that I expect you to have that amount of medical knowledge [1:02 – 1:03] for you to practice your own field. And that you use hypnosis to facilitate the contact with the patient to enable a patient to comprehend you better and to motivate your patient in the acceptance of medical care and guidance and advice and instruction. The hypnosis is primarily a method of communicating ideas to people. In hypnosis you establish upon the person into a trance eh state of receptiveness to the ideas and as they are receptive to the ideas then they become responsive to the ideas.
Milton Erickson 1960 Chicago 1
Too often in working with patient you politely try not to notice his resistance, you politely try to overlook it and to pretend that it isn't there. But do you treat your patient that way [0:20 – 0:22 – три слова непонятны] do you ever pretend that your patient hasn't got a [0:25-0:26] …cological review, do you ever pretend that you OB patient isn't pregnant, why should you pretend that your resistant patient isn't resistant? You ought to accept their resistance as one of the things they bring into the office. And since they brought it, you ought to use it. You are put to willing to use their eyes, you are put to willing to use their ears [0:50 – 0:55 – не уверен насчет put], their mouth, why not use their ressistance? And so, usually dealing with the ressistant patient, you recognize that they're resistant. [1.07]
Milton Erickson 1960 Chicago 2
Now this question of double-bind. I think it's awfully important that you exercise that double-bind in your therapy. Because why it's called a “double-bind”, it is a measure of getting your patient to test [taste? - 0:24 – 0:25] the issues at hand, because too often your patient is unwilling to face the issues. I think of one woman oh eh complained about a lump in her breast. That I think there were some 56 different positions she consulted, and that all advised her to go into the hospital and have her breast operate on. [01:01]
Milton Erickson 1962 San Diego – That which occurs within
But eh this time I'd like to take up certain other things that should be of interest to you. … [обрезка, запись внезапно начинается] this matter of the use of hypnosis I find as an editor of a journal that I am having a tremendous amount of competition. I find that the American Journal of Proctology is not publishing articles on hypnosis I would like to publish. The Journal of Anes... ehm Dermatology is publishing articles on hypnosis. In fact all of the various medical journals eh publishing increasingly a large number of articles on hypnosis. And in spite of the hostility eh of general medical profession, especially in the older ranks, and the hostility of the dental profession the entrenched members of dental profession and the psychological profession hypnosis is beginning to spread increasingly. [0:01:18]
Milton Erickson 1962 San Diego – Common sense suggestion
I've been asked to come in on several things. One of them is this matter of imaginary allergy. Wherein the patient tells you that he has a severe allergic response, when you know that it's not chemically possible for him to have a severe allergic response. Over (?) the experience of one of my friends eh in decades that one should take seriously this question of idiosyncrasy for drugs. One of my friends when he sustained practice in medicine wrote up prescription for aspirine for a patient. [01:02]