

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

--BOH: You started out with your own crisis of health and stress. Then you came up with EMDR, explored both the scientific and practical routes, and wanted to put it out in the world to help relieve suffering. Now we’ve got the organization built up so that it can respond to global situations. If we can make a big enough splash that we can create these ripples of connection and peace…
--FS: Yes. And part of the work is educating the public about what’s running them. My most recent book, Getting Past Your Past, is for laypeople to understand from the EMDR therapy perspective how so much of the pain and guilt and shame that they’re feeling is the result of unprocessed memories.
It’s a physical problem. It’s not like, “You should have snapped out of it,” or “Why can’t you adjust?” Everyone has an information processing system that’s supposed to take things to resolution, but if it gets overwhelmed because of a high level of disturbance, the memory of the event gets locked in the brain.
Those negative emotions and sensations and beliefs that occurred
when they were children, are still locked in because the memory simply can’t link up with anything more adaptive.
There is no shame in going to aphysician if you break your leg. Like wise, there should be no stigma in going to get therapy in order to make sure that you can achieve full mental health.