

lidenskap_frost в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Что сразу бросилось в глаза, так это активное использование термина "feedback" в "лягушках", во вступлении к книге - "A Challenge to the Reader". Ключевой отрывок:
"The basic unit of analysis in face-to-face communication is the feedback loop. For example, if you were given the task of describing an interaction between a cat and a dog, you might make entries like: "Cat spits, ... dog bares teeth, ... cat arches back,... dog barks,... cat—"
At least as important as the particular actions described is the sequence in which they occur. And to some extent, any particular behavior by the cat becomes understandable only in the context of the dog's behavior. If for some reason your observations were restricted to just the cat, you would be challenged by the task of reconstructing what the cat was interacting with. The cat's behavior is much more difficult to appreciate and understand in isolation."
Совместо с "fail" есть такой интересный отрывок:
"You can go through exactly the steps that you saw and heard us go through here, without any sensory experience, without any feedback from your clients. That will
guarantee that you will fail. That's the way most people fail."
То есть, поражение это отсутствие обратной связи.

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