
Who wandered about the Santa Cruz mountains in various altered states 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

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  1. Комментируем: Отзыв на интервью Роберта ДИЛТСА immergent
"…I developed the area of identity and sponsoring and helped connect NLP to deeper aspects of life such as spiritual aspects."
"I also created SCORE as well as SORE with Todd Epstein."

Но, это проблемы между Дилтсом и Тоддом. А Гриндер-то здесь причем?
Along with the content impositions proposed in his Neuro-logical Levels (a full critique is offered in Whispering), he has managed to confuse the public by presenting content patterns and models " patterns and models that violate one of the ethical standards of NLP - the commitment to respect the form (or process, if you prefer) content distinction.
Ну, при таком прессе на Дилтса возникает законный вопрос привести пример одной теоретически правильной модели, которую бы сделал ТОЛЬКО ОДИН САМ Гриндер? А то у него Бандлер как что так в одном контексте закадычный дружок для прогулок. А в другом исчезает тот Бандлер как утренний туман:
This distinction is, again in my perceptions, one of the differentiators that has allowed NLP to spread like wildfire from its origins in the behavior (modeling, principally) of two strange creatures (BANDLER and GRINDER) who wandered about the Santa Cruz mountains in various altered states pursuing a dimly glimpsed but radical possibility that has more than exceeded their original intentions in its diffusion in the world.

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