
Re: Аутентичное и уважительное "прямое" общение 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Sustaining Emotion
The sustaining emotion for the ability is‘Resolve’which enables exemplars to stay firm and steadfast in carrying out their purpose. Exemplar 2 also said‘Caring’is present throughout and helps her to keep going. Exemplars experience feelings of discomfort or tension in the chest before communicating: "a big weight in my torso"; "palpitations"; "heavy, like pulling a bucket through water".
'Nervous Excitement/Anticipation'(even rising to"Fear") runs throughout until the Test is satisfied.
Exemplars 1 and 2 also feel"Intentional","Focussed"or"Engaged"during the process.
After saying what needs to be said and satisfying the Test, exemplars describe a feeling of lightness and ease in the chest and breath: "lighthearted"; "a relief"; "positive butterflies"; "a lightning and relaxation of muscles in the chest and a sense of ease".
All feel"Frustration"or even"Anger"when they experience a lot of difficulty in satisfying the criterion.
"Joy"and'Exhileration'are experienced when expectations are positively exceeded. All exemplars feel'Proud'of themselves when they step outside their comfort zones, and this is a motivator for them to engage repeatedly in this Ability.
External Behavior
Exemplars are intently engaged in thinking, speaking and listening closely with another person or people when manifesting this Ability. There is a lot of eye contact, empathetic nodding and smiling, 'open' body language and possibly some touching. The people involved are generally facing each othere, often leaning towards each other.
Contributing Factors
All exemplars said‘Privacy’is generally helpful and sometimes essential. They only involve the people for whom the conversation is relevant. Also important is'Timeto see it through' and Exemplar 1 identified‘Physical Comfort’as an important contributing factor. In some instances preparatory thinking may be useful to clarify what needs saying and the intended benefits.
Significant Elements
Ecological Concerns
It could be important to note, particularly in early uses of this Ability, that the Exemplars may be willing to free-fall because they have a sense of what‘it all’is that there is to say (see Primary Operation).
The'ability to let go of concerns about others’ judgments'(see Enabling Cause/Effect) is a separate ability that facilitates this one and therefore useful to have or to acquire in order to manifest this Ability.
last modified Monday, January 18, 1999 at 11:26:57 (GMT-0500