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a) Multi-level communication: 1 210 000 000

1) Multiple levels of influence (individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy) each contribute (individually and in combination) to population health and individual well-being...
Разные уровни влияния (от индивидуального до общеполитического)
2) Algorithms for the partitioning and scheduling of parallel programs have been the topic of intense research for numerous years...
Не понятно что не понятно в какой области. Кажется, из схемотехники(?)
3) What does "multi-dimensional communication strategy" mean?.. It just means in other words "a comprehensive/ complete communication strategy" targeting multiple relevant audiences, using multiple platforms/ modes/ media with holistic impact across various set parameters. Wonder if any successful communication strategy could be designed to just...
Многомерная коммуникация - коммуникация с разными целевыми аудиториями на разных платформах.
Итого, в топе нет ничего релевантного.
b) Multi-level communication*psychology: 312 000 000
1) Written with insight and humor, this book's most unique twist is its use of multi-level communication and hypnotic language to create a "training trance" for the readers as they journey through the text. Some hypnotic references are obvious and explicit -- those which are not obvious will create enjoyable "ah-ha!" experiences for the reader as they are discovered...
Многоуровневая коммуникация как использование вложенных реальностей/кавычек/декодера (для читателя книги).
2) Introduction to multi-level community based culturally situated interventions...
Что-то на общем уровне близкое к a)-1)
3) Results of multi-level regression analysis reveal positive individual-level effects of perceived tutor support and perceived peer support on psychological safety. Furthermore, our findings show a positive unique group-level effect of perceived tutor support on psychological safety, where an individual’s level of self-consciousness strengthens this positive impact...
Мноуровневая статистика плюс "уровень группы" vs "уровень индивидуума".
Итого, по этой группе: в топе эриксонианское определение, на общем уровне близкое к нашему.
с) Multi-level communication*Intrapersonal communication: 1 800 000
1) What are the Different Levels of Communication?.. Understanding the different types or levels of communication begins with understanding what communication is. With rare exception, everyone communicates with other people every day. Often we communicate by talking or writing, in which case our communication is said to be verbal. Just as often, we communicate by nonverbal means, such as through body language, gestures, and demeanor. We also communicate through our behavior. For example, not doing something we have promised to do communicates something about our attitude and reliability...
Мультиуровневая = вербальная + невербальная + "поведенческая" коммуникация
Дальшей на первой странице слов "многоуровневая" нет.
d) Intrapersonal communication: 7 440 000
Не релевантный запрос.
e) Multi-level communication*Elements of interpersonal communication: 53 100 000
1) Ссылка на c)-1)
2) In general terms, however, the classical theory of communication involves four distinct levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, ...
Внутренняя коммуникация, межчеловеческая, групповая, ...
f) Elements of interpersonal communication: 64 800 000
Слишком широкий запрос.

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