
Голландец Joost van der Leij "утюжит" Гриндера 

pikapikachuchu2 в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Случайно нашел видео, где голландец Joost van der Leij "разоблачает чушь собачью Гриндера об НЛП и моделировании". Так что метанимус теперь не единственный, кто набрался смелости "отутюжить" Гриндера :)
John Grinder, what's wrong with him? Debunking his BS on NLP & modelling.
John Grinder claims that modelling is the crown achievement of Neuro-Linguisitic Programming (NLP). He claims that with NLP you can become a genius by modelling a genius. Yet, even though millions of people have studied NLP none of the have become a genius by modelling a genius. The reason being that what John Grinder describes as modelling has very little to do with actual modelling.
On top of that he does NLP a disservice by making these ridiculous claims. NLP has developed a nice way of mapping human behaviors and NLP helps people overcome problems and enhance their lives without the need to be a genius in their own right.
What is wrong with John Grinder is that he has become a true believer of his own BS. That goes against the grain of the wise words of Robert Anton Wilson who said: "Never believe anyone's BS completely and never believe your own BS completely".

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