Dear Colleague
Jane Parsons-Fein, LCSW, BCD, DAHB, is pleased to announce that her longtime associate Dr Bernhard Trenkle, director of the Milton Erickson Institut in Rottweil, Germany, is sponsoring Dr Lawrence LeShan's latest workshop here in New York. Dr Le Shan's early work on cancer treatment pointed the way toward the work of Bernard Siegel and the Simontons. His focus on "discover their zest for life" is not unlike Milton Erickson's "discover their patterns of happiness" and it is interesting that during his internship at Eloise Hospital in Michigan, Dr LeShan studied with a young training director - Dr Milton Erickson. Details of the workshop follow.
Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
with Emphasis on Cancer Treatment
Lectures, Discussion, Exercises, Demonstrations
Monday and Tuesday, December 5-6, 2011, 10:00am - 4:00pm
at New York Open Center
22 East 30th Street, between 5th and Madison Avenues
New York City
A hundred years after the magnificent insights of Freud, how have we progressed in our knowledge, our goals and in our practice? What prevents our practice from keeping up with our advances in knowledge?
This will be illustrated by intensive work on the special problems of psychotherapy with people with cancer. The new knowledge has shown us how to design an approach which will help mobilize the patient's immune system and bring the person's own healing abilities to the aid of the medical program. This usually increases the quality of life and very often leads to major extensions in its quantity.
The workshop is basically designed for psychotherapists, however persons with cancer and/or their caretakers are also welcome.
Fees: $290.00 until November 25, $350.00 after November 25 or at door. Student discount with ID $225.00 until November 25, $275.00 after November 25 or at door.
Lawrence LeShan (born 1920) is a psychologist, educator and the author of the best-selling How to Meditate (1974), one of the first practical guides to meditation. He has authored or co-authored approximately 150 articles in the professional literature and 13 books on a diverse range of topics including psychotherapy, war, cancer treatment, and mysticism. These books have been translated into 18 languages. He has also written science fiction under the pseudonym Edward Grendon.
LeShan holds a PhD in Human Development from the University of Chicago and has taught at Pace College, Roosevelt University, Union Theological Seminary and the New School for Social Research. He worked as a clinical and research psychologist for more than 50 years, including six years as a psychologist in the US Army.
In the 1960s and 1970s, LeShan conducted extensive research in the field of parapsychology, writing the books The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist, Alternate Realities and The World of the Paranormal: The Next Frontier.
In the 1980s, LeShan returned to the psychotherapy of cancer support, a field he had first explored in the 1950's and in which he is now considered a pioneer.
To register, contact Susan Pinco, MSSW, PhD, BCD, CCR:, 201-747-6789, c/o NY Counseling Center
160 West End Avenue, New York, NY 10023
The Parsons-Fein Training Institute
for Psychotherapy and Hypnosis