The words that follow, “Then by the time you walk out of the office” are somewhat vague, but their meaning is specified by her right hand first repeating the over the shoulder discarding gesture, and then pantomiming zipping up a jacket, followed by the nice metaphor, “zip up, close up the jacket, emotionally,” at 1:00 during which she repeats the zipping up gesture twice. Then she gestures toward herself as she again identifies with the client she is talking about, quoting the client’s thoughts, (1:03) “I still think ‘I’m a lone wolf,’ or ‘People don’t touch me emotionally,’ or ‘Nobody wants to have anything to do with me,’ or whatever.” At 1:35 she repeats her gesture with both hands on both sides of her head as she says, “Their internal working model doesn’t change — how one sees oneself relative to other people, doesn’t really change.” (1:38)
When I work with clients I am always working directly with their “working model,” usually with the submodalities of their internal experience — the location, intensity, and other sensory qualities of their internal images and voices.
Здесь в двух отрывках Стив говорит о совершенно разных вещах. В одном случае как его эээ миоая знакомая маркирует аналоговым способом очевидное содержание окммуникации. А во втором отрывке он говорит как сам движениями присоединяется и управляет внутренними субмодальностми тех или иных образов.
Разница между первым и вторым побобна разнице между формой и содержанием, о которой так любит рассуждать столь нелюбимый Стивом мистер Гриндер.
The client’s self-concept — the way they generalize about themselves — is a very important part of that model, which I have written about in great detail in my book: Transforming Your Self: becoming who you want to be.
Далее речь идет о "субмодальностях" самооценки.