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Если галочки не стоят — только metapractice

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metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

But even more interesting to me is the use of this principle at the mental level, so that the conflict never even reaches the physical level. For many years I have been collecting reports of how people avoided being raped, mugged or assaulted by staying connected with their assailant, and using a sort of “mental Aikido” to find a way to utilize the situation.
One woman was sitting on a fire escape at a summer party, cooling off and having a smoke, when she felt something on her shoulder. She looked over and saw a man’s penis there. She said casually, as if musing to herself, “Hmmm, that looks like a penis, only smaller,” and the guy vanished.
A woman was in bed one night, when suddenly there was a man on top of her. She reached over to the night stand, picked up a quarter and offered it to him, saying, “Excuse me, would you please call the police; there’s a strange man in my bed,” and he left.
A college student was in his dorm room, studying hard before finals, when the door opened and another student came into his room, and said in a dull voice, “I’m going to shoot you.” The student who was studying was totally exasperated at this interruption of his studying, and said in a loud voice, “Look, I’m studying for finals; I have no time for this kind of nonsense; go shoot someone else,” and turned back to his books. The guy with the gun said, “Oh, OK.” and left. About a minute later there was a shot from the next room.
An attendant in a mental hospital was grabbed from behind in a choke hold by a patient who was not only much stronger, but who had a lot of martial arts training. The attendant knew that struggling to release himself would be useless, so just as he began to lose consciousness, he reached up and lovingly stroked the patient’s arm around his neck. The patient stopped choking him because, as he said later, “That was just too weird, so I had to stop and figure out what was going on.”
A woman who was being held hostage by a man with a shotgun at her throat kept telling him jokes, “Have you heard the one about the—” After about an hour of this, he released her unharmed.
Another woman was walking down the street in a rough neighborhood late at night, when she noticed a man who seemed to be following her. She crossed the street, and he followed her. She speeded up her walking and he did, too. She was starting to get a little worried, so she turned around and walked up to him and said. “Excuse me, I’m feeling scared. Would you escort me home?” The man held out his arm and escorted her home. She found out later that he had gone on to rape someone else later that evening.
For a whole book full of stories of creative conflict resolution like this, read Sweet Fruit from the Bitter Tree.
When many people hear these stories, they think that this kind of response would be very hard to come up with on the spot. Certainly these people were unusually creative. While it may be difficult to come up with a creative response on the spot, it is possible to plan ahead for likely possibilities and future-pace your responses to them, so that they are automatic.
One woman who had a job that required her to walk home late at night through a rough neighborhood always made special preparations before leaving work. First she put half of her hair in a pony tail sticking straight up from one side of her head, and the rest of it in another pony tail sticking out horizontally on the other side. Then she painted her mouth in a very exaggerated “cupid’s bow” smile with bright lipstick. Finally, she put a couple of alka-seltzer tablets in the palm of her hand. When a man approached her suspiciously, she would turn to face him, and smile broadly, with wide open eyes, which was usually enough to discourage him. On the one occasion when that didn’t work, she put the tablets in her mouth and started foaming, and he ran away.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

When people kill other people, it is usually in anger or rage, and that involves disconnection and rejection. If you stay connected with the other person’s humanity, then if you decide in a certain situation that you need to kill someone to protect yourself or someone else, it would be with a sense of enormous sadness that this was necessary. That would make it much less likely that someone would kill. It is too easy to kill out of anger, disconnection and rejection, and I would like to make it as difficult as possible. If you need to kill, it should be with great sorrow, and never in anger. Anger separates, while sorrow maintains a connection.
“Anger” is only one letter short of “danger.” While the harm that anger and violence often does to others is pretty obvious, the harm that anger does to the person who is angry is not so widely recognized — and I don’t mean just the high blood pressure and other physiological effects, but the mental ones.
In many Native American traditions, you find that it is imperative that when you take the life of an animal, you do it with great respect, and sadness, and explain to its spirit that you did this in order to feed or protect yourself and your family. They apparently knew somehow that if they took life in anger or in sport that the “spirit of the animal” would come back to haunt them and harm them, because of the lack of connection and respect.
Even in the Star Wars series, which is of our most popular current mythic icons, there is this underlying presupposition, although it is easy to lose track of it amongst all the slaughter and destruction. The message is that anger and hate will turn the life force against itself, and become the dark side of the force. In the second movie, The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda, a sort of Zen master, is teaching Luke the Jedi ways:
Yoda: A Jedi’s strength flows from the force. But beware of the dark side — anger, fear, aggression — the dark side of the force are they, easily they flow, ready to join you in a fight. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan’s apprentice. (Darth Vader) A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
Luke: There’s something not right here. I feel cold. Death.
Yoda: That place is strong with the dark side of the force. A domain of evil it is. And you must go.
Luke: What’s in there?
Yoda: Only what you take with you. (Luke starts to put on his weapons belt.) Your weapons; you will not need them.
Luke continues to put on his weapons and lowers himself into a sort of cave in the jungle swamp. He encounters Darth Vader, draws his light saber, fights him, and cuts his head off. Then when he cuts open Vader’s helmet, he finds his own dead face inside. In his anger, he has killed himself.
In the third film, Return of the Jedi, The emperor and Darth Vader capture Luke, and the Emperor taunts him with his defeat, and says to him, “Gooood. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey toward the dark side will be complete.”
But Luke eventually refuses to give in to hatred, and when the Emperor attempts to kill him, it is not hate, but his father’s (Darth Vader’s) love for him that saves him.
So there is an additional message here — that no matter how far into the dark side someone goes, there is still a kernel of love that can be redeeming.
Of course that’s just a movie; how about something more practical. In the Asian martial arts, such as T’ai Chi, Aikido and Karate, the fundamental principle is to stay connected with the destructive force that is attacking you, and then rather than opposing it directly, use this connection to change the direction of the force. In hand-to-hand combat, this approach is very practical, using minimal force for maximum result.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Christmastime is a difficult time for many, as holiday hopes and spirit sometimes collides with reality when connecting with relatives and friends. This post may be a bit long, particularly with everything else on your plate this season, but I think it may help you thread your way through the labryinth.
In my book, Transforming Your Self: becoming who you want to be, I present a detailed model of self-concept, the structure of how you think about yourself. This model provides many simple and practical ways to make your self-concept more solid and resourceful, and also gives you the tools to change what you don’t like about yourself into something more useful.
In Chapter 14 I ask readers to think of an experience of connection with someone, and an experience of disconnection from someone, and then to compare these experiences and notice the submodality differences between them. The experience of connection is always found to be richer and more resourceful than disconnection; it always more enjoyable, bright, colorful, 3-D, life size, movie, etc., in contrast to a dim small 2-D black and write framed photo.
Then I ask them to transform the content of disconnection into the richer submodalities of connection, just as I asked clients to “map across” from hate to tolerance or some other more resourceful state in my previous blog post on resolving hate.
After this experiment, I discussed it in the book as follows:
In this exercise I asked you to draw a distinction between what you do inside your mind and what you do outside in the real world, so that you could comfortably experiment with changing your internal experience. However, that distinction is artificial. When you gain greater internal integration, that will always change your external behavior in useful ways, and when you behave differently with someone else, that will often result in a change in their response. I want you all to notice how the mapping across that you have done has changed how you respond and behave, and at least consider whether your new responses would also be useful in interacting with that person in the outside world. You could even test, in small ways that are safe for you, to find out to what extent your new responses work well in coping with the actual external situations that used to be a difficult challenge for you.
This exercise runs very counter to most of our western European culture, in which we have a tendency to rationalize and justify anger and prejudice, and reject and attack the object of anger or frustration. However, in the teachings of many mystics and saints you often find that they strongly advocate staying connected with your enemies, and finding some way of making friends with them. “The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him into a friend.” Most of you are probably familiar with Christ’s teachings in regard to forgiveness and “turning the other cheek,” and the same kind of teachings exist in other religions. They knew that the kind of union with all that they were advocating was impossible as long as someone is divided internally.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Это не идея, это мне подсказал мой кардиолог:
--при значительном повышении атмосферного давления, особенно зимой и/или
--при значительном падении температуры и/или
--при значительной влажности
...начинается "плавание"/нестабильность давления у всех видах гипертоников. И усиление аритмии.
Через три недели в контрольной группе об уменьшении проявления симптомов болезни (хроническая боль и дискомфорт) рассказали 35% больных, а в группе плацебо «поправились» 59% участников. Получается, что эффективность пустышек в два раза выше. Даже для клинического испытания реального лекарства это был бы более чем приличный результат.
--все техники эриксонианства
--все техники НЛП
--развитие техник EMDR
...все эти техники работают/могут работать С ПСИХОСОМАТИЧЕСКИМИ ПРОБЛЕМАМИ С ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬЮ 60%. Не много, но и не мало. Это субъективно-точно соответствует моим наблюдениям за гораздо более чем четверть века применения указанных техник для преодоления психосоматических проблем различных пациентов
Впрочем, некоторые медики полагают, что, несмотря на практически вдвое большее количество «выздоровевших», эффект всё ещё очень мал. А потому надо провести более широкомасштабное исследование: длительное с охватом больших групп людей и различных заболеваний.
Само собой. Но, даже сами нелперы так и не собрались за сорок лет своей практики/существования набрать нужной статистики. И не соберутся.
Кроме того, ясно, что эффект плацебо, даже будучи раскрытым, может сработать лишь в том случае, когда человек самостоятельно определяет симптомы, например, в случае депрессии или болей в нижней части спины. Опухоль или бактериальную инфекцию простой ритуал приёма лекарств не вылечит.
НЕТ, - и плацебо, и техники типа EMDR - НЛП - ЭРИКСОНИАНСТВО могут лечить и опухоли, и бактериальные инфекции, и много чего еще. Вместе с лекарствами. И даже без лекарств.
«Моя гипотеза такова: позитивное воздействие на пациента оказывают сами отношения больного и доктора. Принимая таблетки дважды в день, человек напоминает себе, что о нём кто-то заботится», — считает Каптчук. Может поэтому в контрольной группе также наблюдался рост «поправившихся», ведь о ней по идее тоже заботились.
Лечит не "забота", лечит коммуникация. В том числе и коммуникация "с самим собой", например, в сфере Внутреннего Диалога.
Статья авторов исследования вышла в журнале PLoS One.

Замечательные авторы.
Читайте также о связи между действием плацебо и стоимостью мнимого лекарства,

Это вторичные свойства плацебо. Более дорогое плацебо будет эффективнее недорогого.
а ещё о том, что гомеопатию тоже приравняли к плацебо.

А она и есть чистое плацебо.
Открыта любопытная особенность эффекта плацебо

Да, ты нашел классную ссылку! Спасибо! Эти/этот ученый муж додумался сам (?) до того, что в семидесятых предлагали Гриндер и Бандлер фармакологическим концернам - додумался до открытого плацебо!
Даже тогда, когда человек знает, что ему вместо таблетки с лекарством дают пустышку, он начинает выздоравливать. К такому неожиданному выводу пришли американские медики.
И, конечно, медики никогда ничего не слышали/не читали об НЛП.
Плацебо "в открытую" работает только потому, что ум человеческий способен генерировать бесконечную иерархию мета мета смыслов/значений.
Тед Каптчук (Ted Kaptchuk)
из Гарварда попросили
37 добровольцев, страдающих синдромом раздражённого кишечника (IBS), дважды в день принимать таблетку, которая не могла оказать никакого эффекта на организм.

Опять группа для настоящих статистических расчетов совершенно недостаточная.
Пациентам было сказано, что пустышки могут помочь им только посредством эффекта плацебо, что в них нет никаких активных ингредиентов, но организм может среагировать на них, как собака Павлова на звук колокольчика. В это же время контрольная группа больных (около 40 человек) не принимала ничего.
Задано чистое мета значение. Собаки Павлова подчиняются типа научным законам. И организм людей может/должен быть способен на такое же.
В качестве плацебо группа Теда использовала желатиновые капсулы двух цветов. На баночках с таблетками было чёрным по белому написано «пилюли плацебо» (placebo pills). Сделано это было специально: чтобы максимально оповестить пациентов о бездейственности пустышек (фото nantel/Flickr.com).
На этом этапе чем больше пациентам будут подчеркивать бездеятельность плацебо, тем в большей мере они будут "заведены" на выдачу психосоматических изменений в ответ на нейтральные пилюли.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Типа антициклон прошел и внешнее давление стало выравниваться :)
Ф - О - Ф - Н - Ф - О - Н - Ф - О - Н - Ф - Н - О - Ф - О - Ф - О - Ф - О - Ф
Это так называемая "позиционная" структура прозаического текста. По позиционной структуре поэтического текста Иннита написала диссер. А вот, по позиционной структуре прозаического текста пока нет ничего. Хотя, это совершенно аналогичные структуры. Работает это примерно следующим образом:
Ф - О - установление связи "Ф - О".
Ф - Н - на этом шаге на втором месте "ожидалось" "О", а оказалось "Н". Таким образом Обычное = Необычному.
Ф - О - восстановление связи "Ф - О".
Н - Ф - на первом месте ожидалось "Ф", а оказалось "Н". Таким образом Фантастическое = Необычному. И, одновременно, на втором месте ожидалось "О", а оказалось "Ф". Таким образом, Обычное = Фантастическому!
О - Н - Необычное = Обычному. Фантастическое = Необычному.
Ф - Н - Обычное = Фантастическому. Необычное = Необычному.
О - Ф - Обычное = Обычному. Фантастическое = Фантастическому.
О - Ф - Обычное = Обычному. Фантастическое = Фантастическому.
О - Ф - Обычное = Обычному. Фантастическое = Фантастическому.
О - Ф - Обычное = Обычному. Фантастическое = Фантастическому.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

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