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Если галочки не стоят — только metapractice

Показаны записи 13331 - 13340 из 30962
Четыре значения ЯЗ*
(а) вкусоориентированность (модальность восприятия)
(б) "ощупывание языком" - это делают малые дети. Они засовывают в рот совершенно безвкусные игрушки. Они языком определяют их форму, текстуру и прочее.
(в) ЯЗ-эгореакция/эго-сигнал
(г) ENS-активация

Моделируем Глазодвигатели (17) Expression Language, Emotion Logic

Мне нечего добавить к написанному вами.
Кроме одного: для применения в жизни требуется задавать траекторию декодера четко, но совершенно не привлекая к этому никакого специального сознательного внимания.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Уточните, пожалуйста, кому адресован ваш вопрос.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Да уж. Сверка прежде всего.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

А что хорошего, опять факт выкидывания целых глав из оригинального текста.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Мы решили подойти к этому вопросу со стороны книги про комиксы. Через одну новую тему я буду сам выкладывать слайды про комиксы и будем из этого собирать правило многоуровневого интерфейса аптайм.
Какими периодами?

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

(офф - ну так что? продолжаем разбивку текста? И в каком масштабе: длинными лево-правыми периодами или же по-эриксониански короткими?)

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Sure. When you make peace with a problem representation, it turns into a positive one, which becomes an additional resource that is a part of you. When you love someone, your internal representation of that person enriches you, and becomes part of the internal world that you carry with you everywhere. But you gain much more than just taking in something wonderful from outside. You also discover yourself in all the wonderful responses that you are capable of. You discover yourself as you relate to that other person. If they had never come into your life, you might never have known about your own ability to care, and appreciate, or whatever else you discovered about yourself in that relationship. Every time you take in something wonderful from outside yourself that is beautiful and true, you also discover more about yourself, and you become greater than you were. The more you have inside, the more you can appreciate what is outside.
A small child hasn’t had time to accumulate many experiences, and while they have a wonderful simplicity and innocence, they simply don’t have the experience to really appreciate finer discriminations. For a small child, any candy will do, as long as its full of sugar. Only later can they really appreciate the flavor of real maple sugar or the delicate tastes and textures of other treats, as their internal world of experience gradually becomes enriched. And the same is true of appreciation of art, music, or any other experience.
What kind of internal world do you carry around with you? What experiences have you furnished your mind with? Some people collect resentments, disasters, and other unpleasant memories and then live with them. Imagine what it would be like to put photos and paintings of unpleasant events all over the walls of your home and office, where you would see and respond to them every day. That would be pretty awful, yet that is what many people do in their minds — and unlike their homes or offices, they can’t escape from that. I recently saw a quote from Nelson Mandela — who spent 27 years in prison being beaten — that says it well: “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
Rather than that, why not furnish your mind with powerful experiences? Striking beauty, deep gratitude, gentle love, lasting pleasure, shared humor, unswerving loyalty, incredible courage, profound wisdom, the kind of connection that brings tears. . . .
I am not talking about denying the manifold horrors of man’s inhumanity and stupidity, but those can be kept at a distance, out of the home that you live in, your mind.
How about building in yourself a personal quality of being determined to live in a mind filled with beauty, truth, and pleasure, and begin, now, to collect experiences that nourish you and assemble them, just as you do for any other quality in yourself? I think that would be one of the most profoundly useful ways that you could use what you have learned in this book to make your life better.
Excerpted from Transforming Your Self: becoming who you want to be, now available on Amazon Kindle.

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

If you examine these examples for what they have in common, there are some interesting lessons. One is that rather than run away or separate from the situation, they stayed connected with the difficulty, and maintained a relationship. Nothing works all the time; I’m sure that there are people who tried this kind of approach without the same success. But staying connected retains access to all your resources, and gives you an opportunity to have an impact on someone else in a threatening situation.
Another common element in all these examples is that they all refused to accept the frame or context that they were presented with, and instead created a new frame that was more to their liking. They each created a context that was much better than the one that they found themselves in, and acted within that frame in a way that drew the other person into the new frame, eliciting a different response.
This was a constant theme in the work of Virginia Satir’s very successful work with families. “Anybody on the outside of me is someone whom I can respond to, but they are never the definers of me, unless I have handed over my charge of myself to them.” In order to offer a new and better frame, these people needed to have all their internal resources available to them, and not be embroiled in the internal turmoil that is always a part of fear or anger, and which would have made them weak and vulnerable.
It can be useful to consider the opposite situation. Can you think of a time in your life when your external reality was rather pleasant, perhaps even particularly wonderful, but you couldn’t enjoy it because you were so embroiled in some kind of internal turmoil? Certainly paranoia is an example of someone who is having a very bad time, often despite the attempts of people around them to help them enjoy life. If you don’t make peace with your internal divisions, you’re going to have an unpleasant time, whether or not you solve external problems, and this is a fundamental message in many spiritual traditions. “The kingdom of heaven is within you,” is not just abstract metaphor, it’s a very direct statement about where the solution lies.
Sue: You have been talking about the problems caused by internal representations that are involved in conflicts. Could you say a little about positive representations?

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