

metanymous в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Main Entry: aware
Pronunciation: &-'war, -'wer
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English iwar, from Old English
gewær, from ge- (associative prefix) + wær wary
-- more at CO-, WARY
Date: before 12th century
1 archaic : WATCHFUL, WARY
2 : having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge
- aware·ness noun synonyms AWARE, COGNIZANT, CONSCIOUS, SENSIBLE, ALIVE, AWAKE mean having knowledge of something.
AWARE implies vigilance
in observing or alertness in drawing inferences from what
one experiences
aware of changes in climate.
COGNIZANT implies having special or certain knowledge as from
firsthand sources
not fully cognizant of the facts.
CONSCIOUS implies that one is focusing one's attention on
something or is even preoccupied by it
conscious that my heart was pounding.
SENSIBLE implies direct or intuitive perceiving especially of intangibles or of emotional states or qualities
sensible of a teacher's influence.
ALIVE adds to SENSIBLE the implication of acute sensitivity to
alive to the thrill of danger.
AWAKE implies that one has become alive to something and is on the alert
a country always awake to the threat of invasion.