

bavi в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
  Активные темы вне лицевой страницы журнала metanymous
It was Robert Dilts who recently offered us an interesting way to understand this. He pointed out that all three major representational systems overlap in location. Color, for example, is only in the visual system, pitch is only in the auditory system, and temperature is only in the kinesthetic. However, all sights, sounds, and feelings have some location in space. Changing the location of a representation is often more powerful because it changes all systems simultaneously. This is the basis for the powerful impact of changing the location of one's perspective in association / dissociation, and its detailed refinement in physically aligning the three perceptual positions; Self, Observer, and Other.(Стив Андреас 1984 год)

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