

bavi в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

You! Come on down!
No need to be nervous! (Ha, ha, ha, ha)
That’s the establishing rapport part. (Laughter)
Um. That’s alright! You don’t need to breathe anymore, I’ll take care of that for you.
Okay, come in a little closer now, move a bit closer, within striking distance . . . and just sit back and relax.
W e’ll let the rest of you . . . Um, for our general purposes here there’ll be What I’m going to do is Is not so important, and some o f you will understand some of it, and some of you won’t.
Um, I mean basically . . . basically what it boils down to, in a nutshell, is that everybody who . . . who’s ever tried to . . . to diet in any way, realizes that it’s hard.
And you know, it’s people that don’t have any problem dieting say it’s easy, right
I mean . . . like I have friends that, you know, they could go out, and eat everything in Orlando, right, and they would never gain a pound, and they always say that dieting is easy.
I don’t know why they do it, though. This has always surprised me.
But there is something that . . . that a friend of mine figured out, a guy named Don Wolfe.
H e’s a pretty good hypnotist.
He . . . he was a student of mine when I actually taught at the university, and really has concentrated on . . . on dealing with one thing, and that’s being able to do weight control in one day.
Now, when he first told me that I thought, “You got weight off in one day? You can only do that with an axe,” I said. “Just axe me any question and I’ll axe
you any answer.”
But the thing is that . . . is that, through allthe research that’s been done, doing things about controlling your metabolism to me are what I found to be the most important.
And then understanding the four basic principles of what . . . of how to eat in order to lose weight: you eat only fresh foods, period. Nothing packaged, nothing canned, nothing dried, only food that is fresh, and you don’t eat too much of it.
Now, when my friend told me the basic principles of this, I roared with laughter because they are so simple— and you eat at the right times, and you know when those are, and other than that, you feel full, and exercise a little.
I mean, you don’t have to go out and kill yourself, you know, walk a few blocks a day, you know, get up off your duff, and move around, you know, and the other thing is . . . is to be able to change your metabolism.
Now, he and I just recently got together, and rented a studio.
And w e’ve made a tape, that, that’s based on the fact that he does a group once a month, and bats .800 with weight control.
And he only sees people once and he sees diem in a group.
Now that’s a pretty good batting average.
And this is what he installs in people:
Now the only difference is, is there’s a difference in telling the conscious mind things, and dealing with the automated programs.
Because, you see, it’s one thing to say, “Only eat fresh food!”
And then when you walk by a candy counter and your brain goes “brrrhhrrrr,” like that, and all of your unconscious processes have automated the compulsion to eat other things, so that when that box of Godiva chocolates calls out to you . . .
What’s your first name again? (Millie)
Millie, when the box of Godiva chocolates calls out to you, Millie and goes: “Millie, you buy a box. You’ll only eat one . . . at a time . . . after each other.”
And when you walk through the house and the refrigerator calls out and goes: “Millie, there’s something in here, and it’s just for you, it’ll make you feel
See, to me like . . . my microwave talks to me- I’m not too schizy— I’m fascinated with it. I will cook anything in the microwave, I put towels, oranges, I’m just fascinated that it just goes rrrrrinnnnggggg and it’s hot.
I mean, I can’t get over these things.
How many of you have one of these things?
What is . . . I mean . . . I’ll stick anything in there.
I don’t care what it is, just to find out, especially when it said on the outside, “Do not place aluminum foil in here,” what’s the first thing Richard put in?
chk-a-chka-chka-chk-a . . . boy, talk about a light show.
I got one microwave just to cook aluminum foil in.
The one that’s built into the apartment I rented.
Beautiful light show, it’s great.