

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

--BOH: It generalized out to several things, sometimes things you’d never even talked about?
--FS: Exactly. So I added the Reprocessing around 1990 in order to demonstrate that it was more than just Eye Movement Desensitization. If I had it to do over again, I’d call it Reprocessing Therapy. Unfortunately, it’s too late. But, to be clear, EMDR is now an eight-phase psychotherapy with a wide range of applications.
--BOH: There seems to be two themes: one is practical and experiential, and the other is, “Let’s look at the evidence.” Why did you put so much emphasis on doing scientific research?
--FS: The way to alleviate suffering is to rigorously evaluate what you’re doing. In the first study, results could have been due to characteristics of me as a therapist. The replication studies were extremely important to prove that it worked. I ended up being invited to a variety of VAs and agencies. We would give free trainings if they were going to do research. We continue to do that to this day. Unfortunately, some of the early studies were done badly, so it needed a lot of additional research to convince people that it actually worked. At this point there are about 24 randomized studies on the effect of EMDR therapy with a wide range of trauma victims. The World Health Organization has now stated there are only two validated approaches for the treatment of PTSD in children, adolescents and adults: trauma-focused CBTand EMDR therapy. That’s because of the research base.