
Frogs into Princes 

metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

  13. Интерфейс VAKOGin = VAKOGex metanymous
    Frogs into Princes meta_eugzol
Who has a pet? Can you see your pet sitting here on the chair? (Yes.)
OK. Now, can you distinguish between the animal that you have here,
and the chair that it is sitting on? Is there anything in your experience
that allows you to distinguish between the fact that you put the visual
image of the pet there, and the fact that the image of the chair was there
before you deliberately put it there? Is there any difference? There may
not be.
Woman: Oh, yes, there is.
OK. What is the difference? How do you know that there is a real
chair and there's not a real dog?
Woman: I really can see that chair in my reality here and now. But
I can only picture the dog in my head, in my mind's eye....
You don't see the dog over here sitting in the chair?
Woman: Well, only in my mind's eye.
What's the difference between the image of the chair in your mind's
eye and the image of the dog in your mind's eye? Is there a difference?
Woman: Well, one's here and one isn't.
Yes. How do you know that, though?
Woman: Well, I still see the chair even when I look away and look
back. But if I stop thinking about the dog in the chair, the dog isn't
there anymore.
OK. You can talk to yourself, right? Would you go inside and ask if
there is a part of you at the unconscious level that is capable of having
the dog there when you look back? Would you make those
arrangements and find out if you can still tell the difference? Because
my guess is there are other ways you know, too.
Woman: The image of the dog isn't as clear.
OK, so that's one way that you make a reality check. Would you go
inside and ask if there is a part of you that can make it as clear?
Woman: Not while I'm awake.
I know your conscious mind can't do it. I'm not asking that question.
Can you talk to yourself? Can you go "Hi, Mary, how are you?" on the
inside? (Yes.) OK. Go inside and say "Is there any part of me at the
unconscious level which is capable of making that image of the dog as
clear as the chair?" And be sensitive to any response you get. It may be
verbal, it may be a feeling, it may be something visual. While she's
doing that, does anyone else know how they know the difference?
Man: Well, earlier when you hit the chair I could hear a sound.
When you hit the dog, I couldn't.
So essentially your strategy consists of going to another representa-
tional system and noticing whether there is a representation that corre-
sponds in that system to what you detected in another system.
Woman: I know I put the dog there.
How do you know that?
Woman: Because I can remember what I did.
OK, how do you remember putting the dog there? Is that a visual
process? Do you talk to yourself? OK. Now I want you to do that same
process for putting the chair there. I want you to put the chair here,
even though it's already here. I want you to go through the same
process you used to put the dog here to put the chair here and then tell
me what, if any, difference there is.
Does anybody know the point of all this?