

anglerhood в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Я смотрел вот по этой записи на английском http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDN4L00Ls9E
У него куча мелких движений языком, но есть и очень выразительные:
5:04 all hells broke loose in a social media VVV
5:51 not a gunshot wound VVV
9:17 our choice then and in history had great consequences VVV
11:12 syria can get away with it VVV
12:22 was victim of chemical weapons attack VVV
13:49 against norms of international community VVV
13:51 that matters to us VVV
15:46 their investigation VVV
16:02 that is not the mandate of UN investigation VVV
16:30 as it should VVV
17:19 extraordinary harshly VVV
17:28 against all warnings VVV
18:28 diplomatic process VVV
18:38 military solution VVV
18:40 it has to be political VVV
18:43 negotiation table VVV
VVV обозначает движение ЯЗ.

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