Обнаружил, что не могу оставлять комментарии в журнале bukvalizm.Хотел написать, что нашел вашу цитату Эриксона, где Милтон описывает, что как побывал в середине нигде.NIRVANA OR AUTOHYPNOSIS AS A DISSOCIATION FROM ALL SENSE MODALITIESOn one occasion Erickson was doing some experimental work with K on stopped vision(Erickson, 1967), wherein she experienced being in “the middle of nowhere.” Ericksonrecalled the following:E: I was in the backyard a year ago in the summertime. I was, wondering whatfar-out experiences I’d like to have. As I puzzled over that, I noticed that I wassitting out in the middle of nowhere. I was an object in space.K: There you have it: the middle of nowhere.E: I was just an object in space. Of all the buildings I couldn’t see an outline. Icouldn’t see the chair in which I was sitting; in fact, I couldn’t feel it.R: You spontaneously experienced that vision?E: It was the most far-out thing I could do!R: That was the most far-out thing you could do?E: You can’t get more far-out than that!R: It just happened to you as you were wondering about what you could do?E: Yes.R: An unconscious responding?E: And that was my unconscious’ full response.R: I see; you can’t get more far-out than that.E: What more far-out could happen?K: You were just floating or just a nothingness?E: I was just an object and all alone with me was an empty void. No buildings,earth, stars, sun.K: What emotions did you experience? Did you——curiosity or fear orapprehension?E: It was one of the most pleasing experiences. What is this? Tremendouscomfort. I knew that I was doing something far-out. And I was really doing it!And what greater joy is there than doing what you want to do? Inside the stars, theplanets, the beaches. I couldn’t feel the weight. I couldn’t feel the earth. No matterhow much I pushed down my feet, I couldn’t feel anything.R: That sounds like a spontaneous experience of nirvana or samadhi whereinIndian yogis say they experience “the void.” You feel that is so?E: Yes. The far-out experience of negating all reality-related stimuli. R: That’swhat the yogis train themselves to do.E: Yes, just negating the stimuli from the reality objects.K: You found that pleasurable?E: I always find when I can do something, it’s pleasurable.
Спасибо. Вы, наверное, удалив тогда случайно мой комментарий автоматически запретили саму возможность их оставлять.Пока только цитата. Буквальность для меня крепкий орешек. «Середина нигде» — не знаю что и думать — пока и не думаю.
Да, вы "участник" + "можете писать". И мы взаимные френды. Следующий уровень сделать вас модератором общества.Я дагадываюсь, что работает тот самый нечаянный запрет на который я нажал: то ли спам, то ли "запретить комменты" в данной теме.Прошу вас:--проверьте можете ли вы писать в другие темы--поскольку, я не знаю как снять обратно ту ошибке - придется вам сделаться модератором. Или завести НОВЫ
Да, нет же - просто сел к кому в некоем афигешем состоянии и, почти не глядя, кликнул по неким кикелкам. Если это даже психоаналитически интерпретировать, то мое подсознание просто сказало - "коммуникация не сейчас".