
История про продажу мета плацебо из «Guide to Trance-formation» 

metatheo в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Есть история, что БиГи намеревались в промышленном масштабе выпускать и продавать мета плацебо. Пока их сильно попросили этого не делать.
Несколько раз встречал эту историю. Вот последний прочитанный вариант из опубликованной в 2008 году книги под авторством Бэндлера «Guide to Trance-formation»:
Belief is an enormous power in all cultures. Placebos show us that. All active pharmacological agents-drugs-are tested against a placebo. To some degree or other, the placebo always works, whereas the drug sometimes doesn't.
Scientists tell us this is because the placebo somehow deceives the person, but it's much more a question of belief. Interestingly, if people believe that the placebo somehow triggers a natural healing response in the body, they respond, even knowing it is a placebo. In fact, in many cases their responsiveness actually Increases.
Some years ago I decided to make use of this phenomenon. Together with a colleague, I set out to market bottles of empty capsules, along with printed booklets of the research showing how placebos worked. If the patient looked up the index and found placebos worked with, say, five out of six of other people with his
complaint, he could take seven, just to be sure. Our idea was to clean up with the first wave, then market "new, improved placebo-with 40 percent more inert ingredients."
Then a certain government agency stepped in. One of their representatives said we couldn't do it because it wouldn't work. We showed them their own research that showed it did. Then they said it was illegal. We didn't agree. How could selling empty capsules to people who knew they were empty be illegal? Finally, they told us they couldn't permit it because it was "immoral."
When I work with clients who need extra help, I give them placebos. They not only know they're placebos, they have the belief-which I also give them-that knowing they are placebos will make them more effective. Actually, these days, I don't bother with actual placebos. I'll use whatever's available-usually grapes. They work just as well.

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