
Лень — антиресурс? 

metatheo в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Это я скорее не о словах Евстратовой, а вообще.
Есть ведь такой широко распространенный рефрейминг: «Лень — двигатель прогресса».
И Бэндлер в своей последний книге тоже рефреймирует лень:
«Of course, if you're going to do something complex, having a complex strategy is really practical, but if you're going to do something simple, your strategy needs to be equally simple.
It's worth looking at lazy people to see how it's done. Lazy people would never do more than they have to. Lazy people make things easy on themselves.
I'm basically quite lazy, which is how I came to recognize the value of simplicity. I do a lot of things the easy way. I have a pair of glasses that I leave on my computer so when I sit down I don't have to say, "Oh, hell, I need to get my glasses." They're a cheap, ten-dollar drugstore pair, and they save me walking back and forth across the room ninety-five times a day.
Any respectable lazy person plans for being lazy, and life just becomes easier. But if you have ro do this and forget that, and worry about something else, it's just a lot of work-and if you say: "Well, I'm just not organized," the truth is that you're organized, but in a way that's not very clever. The point is, you are organized, because you always do-or don't do-the same thing, the same way. If you weren't organized, it would happen randomly, and that just doesn't happen. »

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