

meta_eugzol в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)

The guy next to me drew something that looked like a photograph. And I kept looking at it going [...] how's he doing this, you know. And he was like doo-doo-doo-doo [напевает и изображает размахи кисточкой] shading everything :-P. And the teacher came up and took it, and she shook her head and looked at me disgustingly. She said wooooo [мотает головой]. You're not artistic! :-P And I went 'not artistic' [качает головой]. :-P :-P
When I was 29 years old roughly walking down the street of New York /:-P звук/. I was staying at the Barbason Plasa. And my wife and I were walking down the street. And we walked in front of an art store. And my wife said to me, she said 'Uh! Let's get some stuff and paint'. And I looked at her and went 'I am not artistic' :-P. And she went 'That's crazy! You do everything! Why wouldn't you be artistic?'. 'I'm not, I can't, I'm not artistic' :-P. Suddenly I went 'This sounds more like a post-hypnotic suggestion than reality!' /:-P звук/. So she bought a bunch of art supplies, took me up in a room. And she took pastels and said 'Just draw!'. And I looked at the paper and went [гримасничает]. Look at her and went [гримасничает]. She said 'Draw!'. And I went [гримасничает]. And she took the, rip the stuff of the side and just took it went nyeeeeee! like that and then she pull out this can of stuff and went tssssssss! :-P And I went [изображает нюханье]. :-P :-P

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