‘s Defi brillator tobias grewenig 2005400 x 400 x250 cm; interactive installation;techniques used for the realisationhardware: pulse oximeter, skin sensor, breath sensor, electrostimulator, vga-screen,6 satellite speakers, 1 subwoofer, ir camera, 2 computers [audio/video].The electronic sculpture,„Emotion‘s Defi brillator“, responds to thecliché that electronics manipulate consciousness,that is to say, media are reduced tobeing the psychological effects of which theycause. Indeed, apart from their functionalqualities, cathode ray tubes, projectors andgenerally almost all of the electrical andelectronic devices used in daily life have asubtle psychological impact on the humanbeing. Fluorescent lights buzz and refrigeratorsrumble – their way of making us awareof their underlying electrical, or electronic(depending on the device) acoustic presence.Cinematographic fi lms are examples of perceptiontaking a „concrete“ form, where theoptical illusion of seeing „moving pictures“ ismade possible only due to the „slowness ofperception of the human eye“. When a lightwave attains the eye, the cells of the retinatransmit a signal to the brain. However thislight wave is held only for a brief second. Tocreate the illusion of motion, new light waves(light photograms) must be send to the brainin order to maintain this effect.