An important role for physician values in medical decisions isnot unique to end-of-life decisions. Studies of other kinds of med¬ical decisions show similar results. For example, in a study oftreatment for bronchogenic carcinoma, the choice of surgery vsradiation appeared to be influenced more heavily by physicianrisk preferences than by patient risk preferences.9 In a study ofcesarean section rates where there were twofold variations inthe use of cesarean section by different obstetricians, the vari¬ations seemed to reflect idiosyncratic differences among the in¬dividual physicians rather than any medical or socioeconomic dif¬ferences among the patients.10 Likewise, studies of racial dispar¬ities in clinical decision making have found differences in thetreatment of coronary artery disease and chronic renal failureaccording to race that cannot be explained by variations in age,income, type of insurance, or severity of disease.1113[...]In one study involving 72competent patients, physicians discussed the DNR orderwith the family rather than the patient in 13 of the cases.16While family members may convey a sense of the patient'svalues and preferences, studies have consistently shown thatpeople are not very accurate in predicting the treatmentpreferences of their family members.17(p9B)[...]Treatment of the permanently unconscious patient may begoing through the same transition. As a result of the Quinlancase in 1976,32 the permanently unconscious are no longerobligated to receive ventilator-assisted breathing treatment.Last year, in the Wanglie case, an effort was made by phy¬sicians to have a ventilator deemed unavailable for a perma¬nently unconscious patient despite the family's request thatventilator-assisted breathing be continued.33 The Wangliecourt sided with the family, but it may only be a matter oftime before permanently unconscious patients are deniedlong-term ventilator-assisted breathing or other medical care.[...]
...the variations seemed to reflect idiosyncratic differences among the individual physicians rather than any medical or socioeconomic differences among the patients.
Это и хорошо, что социо-экономические особенности особо не влияли на выбор лечения.
While family members may convey a sense of the patient's values and preferences, studies have consistently shown that people are not very accurate in predicting the treatment preferences of their family members.
Тут как раз обсуждали дела с членами семьи. Члены семьи не могли предугадать выбор больного. Для этого и интересуются, в первую очередь, мнением больного.
Last year, in the Wanglie case, an effort was made by physicians to have a ventilator deemed unavailable for a permanently unconscious patient despite the family's request that ventilator-assisted breathing be continued.
Хотели отключить дыхательный аппарат, но не отключили. Видимо, обозначили свою готовность это сделать для страховой компании, чтобы не получить от нее штраф. А потом, не стали отключать по решению суда. Тут уж страховой компании деваться некуда.