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fragment 6
* An important addition to the fifth criterion - this activity and development should change subject's view of the whole world and this change should be positive and motivating:
... and the entire world looked different the world suddenly takes on a wonderful look when you stand up and are no longer creeping then older you bent over and looked at the world from between your lags so you would have another view of this world look that you looked at and found so interesting ...
fragment 7
* The sixth criterion - the recalled event and the memory should be laconic, there should be well formed parts:
... I would like to have you single out some one thing ...
* The seventh criterion - the recalled event and the memory should be interesting for some other people:
... that you could talk to me about, that you talk to strangers about, and you could share
* And again, it should be positive emotionally:
... something very pleasing very charming ...
fragment 8
* And again about comfortable state now-here as an analog of comfortable memory, also here is a presupposition that if the memory is not so comfortable, the current comfort can be spread over the experiences.
... and just as you're spreading your feeling of cool comfort you can spread a feeling of warmth and comfort over your experiences 'cause they do radiate.
The mention of "cool comfort... warmth and comfort" at the beginning of memory work and at the end makes a cycle, so that the comfort becomes a symbol of comfortable and resourceful memory.
Those seven criterions when presented in such an order limit the choice and prevent undesirable associations. That is how the mechanism of unconscious choice works. When, first, the subject is asked to recall something pleasant then all the unpleasant memories are moved aside. So when at the second step the subject is asked to recall something interesting then he / she unconsciously will make choice among pleasant memories. So in result we will get more or less interesting memory but for sure it will be a pleasant one. This way we summarize the criterions and the sequence of the criterions become most important part of the technique.
This means that in practice most important criterion should be put first. For example, if we compare two sequences:
1. "Please, recall something pleasant, something interesting ..."
2. "Please, recall something interesting, something pleasant ..."
In the first example hearing the word "pleasant" subject can think of something uninteresting but it will be still pleasant. In the second example hearing the word "interesting" subject can think about something interesting but unpleasant that can interfere with the therapy.
This sequence of seven criterions works as a special algorithm and can be used in trance work as well as in the therapy in waking state. This algorithm is especially valuable in brief therapy. The unconsciousness of the patient will get this sequence as macro-suggestion and the resourceful state will be more available.
The Paths of Ericksonian knowledge: Deepening, Widening the Boundaries, Going Beyond
and Existing Forever.
A report written for the 8th International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy