
Недоделанный пост 3 

dvv7 в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

Метамоделирование Интеграции
  Метамоделирование Интеграции metanymous
    Re: МоделиСтирания? metanymous
3. А теперь логично вспомнить нейрофизиологию и беседу о EMDR
Скорее всего, я попытаюсь достать эту пару книг, а после этого с ними можно будет что-нибудь сделать.
-- EMDR and Psychotherapy Integration: Theoretical and Clinical Suggestions with Focus on Traumatic Stress (Innovations in Psychology), H. Lipke 1999
-- The emotional motor system. edited by G. Holstege, R. Bandler, C.B. Saper 1996
Еще я раскопал чем занимаются когнитивные нейрофизиологи -- это очень даже совпадает с рядом моделей Опенметы.
1. Orienting attention to internal representations
To date, the extensive research on attention has focused on the selection of items located in the extrapersonal world. However, as humans, much of our world is internal. We constantly build and manipulate mental representations based upon experiences and expectations. It would seem equally important, therefore, to direct attention within these internalized representations. We have started to investigate the ability to direct attention to representations of information held in working memory, and the neural systems and mechanisms involved (see Griffin and Nobre, submitted; and Nobre et al., submitted). We will also examine the ability to orient attention to selective attributes of long-term memories
2. Orienting attention to semantic categories of words
Some believe that linguistic processing is special, that somehow it is encapsulated and unaffected by other ongoing cognitive activity. As a way to test this hypothesis, we are examining the ability of linguistic processing to direct and be influenced by selective attention. We have developed tasks in which symbolic cues predict the semantic category of an upcoming word. So far, we have shown that predictive semantic cues can improve word recognition.
4. Orienting attention to different sensory modalities
The integration of sensory modalities is critical for guiding purposeful action. Recently, much research has focused on the ability of spatial attention to influence events in a crossmodal way. We are currently investigating a complementary issue ? the ability to direct attention selectively to different sensory modalities. Pilot studies have already indicated that attention directed to an individual modality (e.g., somatosensory) can modulate information processing from early perceptual levels. Further experiments will characterise the neural dynamics involved and compare intermodal attention to modalities to crossmodal attention to locations.
7. Orienting Attention to Space and Time
Initial findings indicate that whilst spatial attention modulates sensory processing, temporal attention is more closely associated with response-related neural activity. Therefore, we are also interested in how spatial and temporal attention relate to the response effector.

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