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anatoly в посте Openmeta (оригинал в ЖЖ)

I would like to dedicate this work to a few of the geniuses of our time:
Moshe Feldenkrais, Patrick Moraz, and Anthony Robbins.
Before teaching, before learning, before knowing, begin with something more. Teaching and learning and knowing must mean more than recapitulation. To teach, install good learning strategies. To make that worth having, do more. You can install in people something much stronger. Call it hope.
Build powerful hope for people. Build it not so much from understandings. Build hope from an experience. Create this experience. Reality is built from ideas. Create this experience repeatedly. Most of the time, most people have that backwards.
At one time there were no aircraft. At one time there were no automobiles. At one time there were no combs. At one time there was no money, no language. Only by ideas did these things appear in reality.
Share reality. People often, with NLP, changed personal history too much. That rapidly became worse than worthless. I call
that learning schizophrenia. Schizophrenics get lousy rooms, bad food, and no zippers. Through shared reality, things have value.
You can not only build ideas, and build reality from them, you can do so ecologically and methodically. That applies to hypnotic techniques, or NLP techniques. It applies to any technique that has to do with ideas.
Take mathematical equations. People can build equations that have no value. The object is to build the equations so that the bridge does not fall down, especially when cars go across it.
Many bridges didn't work. The assumption "Something is wrong," doesn't even work well in medicine. Yet they still try to build from it. That includes practically everything from medicine.

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