metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
metanymous в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
metatheo в посте Metapractice (оригинал в ЖЖ)
We used to do hypnotic inductions before we did reframing. Then we discovered that we could do reframing without having to put people into trance. That's how we got into Neuro Linguistic Programming.«Frogs into Princes»
Мы использовали гипнотические индукции до того [когда] мы делали рефрейминг. Тогда мы обнаружили, что мы можем делать рефрейминг без необходимости помещать людей в транс. Это есть как мы прибыли в Нейро Лингвистическое Программирование.
We thought "Well, if that's true, then we should be able to reframe people into doing every deep trance phenomenon that we know about." So we took a group of twenty people and in one evening we programmed all the people in that group to do every deep trance phenomenon we could remember having read about anywhere. We found that we could get any "deep trance phenomenon" without doing any ritualized induction. We got amnesia, positive hallucination, tone-deafness, color blindness—everything. One woman negatively hallucinated Leslie for the entire evening. Leslie would walk over and pick up the woman's hand; her hand would float up and she had no idea why. It was like those cartoons about ghosts and stuff. That's as good as any negative hallucination we ever got doing hypnosis.
Whether you are hypnotists or not you've probably heard of finger signals or ideomotor signals. A hypnotist will often make arrangements with the person in a trance that s/he will lift the right index finger with honest unconscious movements for "yes" responses, and the left index finger for "no."Frogs into Princes
В любом случае вы есть гипнотисты или нет вы вероятно слышали о пальцевых сигналах или идеомоторных сигналах. Гипнотист часто делает соглашения с персоной в трансе что он/а будет поднимать правый указательный палец честными бессознательными движениями для «да» отклика, и левый указательный палец для «нет».
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